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Gain five years of your life by giving

Cynics argue that benevolence primarily benefits the giver; that it is less about helping others as helping ourselves because it's inherently selfish if the giver receives pleasure from giving and all that.

Certainly research shows that giving is receiving by activating the reward centres in our brains, acting as a surprisingly good stress-reliever and enhancing our overall sense of wellbeing and connection with others by releasing caregiving-related hormones oxytocin and progesterone.

New research shows it could also help you stay youthful - making you the equivalent of about five years younger than the miserly.

In the "state-of-the-art" analysis, Belgian researchers from Ghent University looked at the health data and volunteering behaviour of 42,926 individuals across 29 European countries.

Of the participants, 24.1 per cent volunteered and 75.9 per cent did not volunteer.

The difference between the groups was fascinating. 


"We found that, overall, volunteers have a health score which is statistically significantly higher than those who do not volunteer," the authors said. "This total association turned out to be substantial: it corresponded in size to, eg, the health gains of a five years younger age." 

After adjusting for socio-economic factors (and they did find an "indirect" link between health and income), the authors found that volunteering "accounts for more than four-fifths of the total association while [income] accounts for less than one-fifth".

One of the paper's authors, Professor Sara Willems, said there were several hypotheses for their findings. 

"Firstly, volunteering may improve access to psychological resources (such as self-esteem and self-efficacy) and social resources (such as social integration and access to support and information), both of which are found to have an overall positive effect on health," she said. 

"Secondly, volunteering increases physical and cognitive activity, which protects against functional decline and dementia in old age. Finally, neuroscience research has related volunteering to the release of the caregiving-related hormones oxytocin and progesterone, which have the capacity to regulate stress and inflammation."

It's good news for the 36 per cent or so of Australian adults who participate in voluntary work, and the 14.9 million or so (80.8 per cent of the population) who give to charities each year ($12.5 billion in 2015-16 alone).

Who you give to or how is another question altogether, one writer David Leser grappled with recently.

"Will my dollar be more effective helping Medecins Sans Frontieres reach the children of Aleppo or will I have a greater impact sponsoring a child through World Vision in earthquake-devastated Nepal? (Why not both?) Should I give to the Rural Fire Service this year or revert to CanTeen's support for young people living with cancer? How about House With No Steps v The Smith Family? And do I opt for Indigenous health on my doorstep or widen my circle of compassion to rural education for girls in India?" he asked, tossing these charities up against a homeless girl sitting beside him in a cafe whose story he is drawn in by. 

While some research suggests we gain more satisfaction from giving to an individual, where there is emotional connection to the story (as Leser ultimately decided to do), the urge to give may just be bred into our bones, if Harvard biologist Edward Wilson's theory is correct.

Instead of an "every man for himself" theory, Wilson believed in a "we are one but we are many" theory. We are social creatures and have evolved to be helpful because our survival is dependent on one another.

"A group of altruists will beat a society of selfish individuals every time," he told Discover magazine. "Group selection favours biological traits like communication and co-operation that are needed for the group to remain cohesive and powerful. In humans, there's a constant struggle between group selection and individual selection that is unique."

Giving, he said in a separate interview, "is a good way to win". And when it comes to giving, selfish and selfless as it may be simultaneously, it is good for every body.