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The science of strength: Seven ways muscle makes us healthier

Working out with weights means different things to different people. It can be the buzz that comes with lifting a big barbell off the ground – or a way to make clothes fit better.

But to Professor Rob Newton, Director of the Exercise Medicine Research Institute at Edith Cowan University, building muscle is like building a personal pharmacy stocked with "medicine" that does your body good.

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Kettlebells are a great way to build muscle throughout the body. And because the weighted cast-iron spheres are super versatile, you can integrate them into all of your favourite exercises.

"Muscle tissue isn't just for movement – it also secretes a range of beneficial chemical like hormones and cytokines that have a positive effect on the rest of the body. That's why sedentary living is so bad for us – if we don't maintain muscle tissue then our 'pharmacy' starts to shrink and we produce fewer of these beneficial chemicals," he explains.

But many of us carry too much fat and not enough muscle – and just as muscle produces chemicals that help maintain good health, too much excess fat does the opposite: it secretes inflammatory chemicals that undermine our health.

"We need some fat in our bodies but the problem with having less muscle and more fat is that our internal chemistry gets out of balance and contributes to so much chronic disease," Newton says.

One helpful hormone produced by muscle is BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor) that helps to grow and maintain new brain cells and is thought to help buffer ageing brains against dementia. Another is testosterone which, among other benefits, is good for the brain, Newton explains.


"We know that men with declining testosterone levels are more likely to develop dementia. We also know that both men and women have a surge of testosterone when they lift heavy weights such as in dead-lifts, bench-presses or squats, for example. Although women produce less testosterone than men their brains are more responsive to its effects – the fact that their testosterone levels are normally low means that any boost really stimulates the brain," he says.

Ironically, testosterone also drives prostate cancer growth. But when men exercise regularly they also develop more testosterone receptors on their muscle cells to capture this hormone so there's less testosterone available to target prostate cancer cells, adds Newton who's involved in a world first study to see if an exercise program that includes resistance training also extends the life of a group of men with advanced prostate cancer.

Meanwhile at the Lifestyle Clinic University of NSW strength training is included as "medicine" to treat chronic diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson's disease, thinning bones, arthritis, heart failure and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – a common cause of infertility in women.

"Strength training's more recognised benefits are with improvements in bone density and blood glucose levels – but the message that it can both prevent and treat disease hasn't trickled down to the general public," says the clinic's director, Accredited Exercise Physiologist Chris Tzarimas.

Need more reasons to give strength training a go? Here's what it can do

Type 2 diabetes Exercising muscles is a key to preventing this disease, says Tzarimas – by improving our muscles' uptake of glucose, strength training helps keep blood glucose levels healthy.

Osteoporosis Exercising with weights helps prevent and treat osteoporosis by causing muscles to pull on bones, forcing bone to lay down more bone tissue, he adds.

Arthritis Strength training eases arthritis pain by helping to take the load off your joints and keep you moving so that you can live better. Working out with heavy weights also thickens the synovial fluid that helps lubricate joints and this reduces pain and further degeneration, says Rob Newton.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Weight gain, fertility problems and insulin resistance – which can lead to type 2 diabetes – are some of the symptoms of PCOS which affects up to 18 per cent of women. Strength training helps with fat loss and reduces diabetes risk.

Alzheimer's disease Research at the University of Sydney last year found that strength training improved brain function in people with mild cognitive impairment, a precursor to Alzheimer's disease.

Parkinson's Disease The Lifestyle Clinic treats people with Parkinson's with a combination of strength training and walking on a treadmill to improve gait and mobility.

Cancer There's preliminary evidence that exercise improves cancer survival, with studies reporting a 40 to 50 per cent lower risk of all-cause mortality in breast, prostate and bowel cancer survivors, says Rob Newton. "There's also evidence from animal studies that activating muscle through exercise improves the effectiveness of the immune system and releases hormones and other chemicals known to have an anti-tumour effect, but we need more research in humans.

"With cancer, the strongest evidence for resistance training so far is that it improves quality of life and physical function.

"The worst approach is advising people to go home and rest. It's negligent – it's like saying to someone 'we have this drug that helps but we're not going to give it to you'."