Some things should have been left in 2011, the mystifying 99 percent slogan is one.

On March 4th, around 250,000 NHS workers, patient activists, union members and members of the public from across the country joined a 'Save the NHS' march in Central London.

Tensions have been rising in Peru between an increasingly bold LGBTI movement and conservative groups in recent months, with the latest clashes happening on March 4th in the capital of Lima.

Dock workers vote to strike

Dockworkers' unions in Spain have suspended a series of one day strikes until March 17, the day after a planned parliamentary vote on opening up port employment to competition, with the...


Boris Johnson being a twat

An analysis of the meaning of the Brexit vote in the UK, published on 20 October 2016.


John Cornford, 1936

A biographical, political, and literary introduction to John Cornford, the first man to go from England to fight the fascist takeover in Spain in 1936 - a poet, a revolutionary, and a military...