How to turn your greying locks into a silver fox

Perhaps you're ageing gracefully. Perhaps the genetics gods have blessed you with a full head of the grey stuff in your 20s. Whichever distinguished category you fall into, thy grey hair shalt no longer be shunned.

Sure, the appearance of greying can indicate that you're moving on in life; but more importantly, it's a symbol of one's wiseness and tenacity. It shows you've been around to weather the worst and you're now at the top of your game. So you've got it, how are you going to own it?

Style it

As grey hair becomes more prominent on a man's head, the appearance of thinning will also follow suit. This is why it's essential you pick the right hairstyle that will accentuate the grey rather than highlight parts of your scalp. The gallery above should help you with this part; but before we even get there, consider the importance of varying tones and many shades of grey.

If you're predominantly pale skinned, use a bit of grey coverage product such as gentle foam colours. This will help break up the stark 'white-on-white' look. Those with a darker skin complexion should limit the grey coverage colour treatments as you're trying to give the grey a more healthy transitional tone.

Maintain it

Be sure to use a decent shampoo and conditioner. Choosing the cheaper alternatives will often dry out your hair after every wash and deprive it of the good stuff to keep it looking natural. Regular appointments for a cut is also a must for silver foxes. Keep it styled, and the cool grey will repay.

Embrace it

Nothing shines brighter than grey except for confidence. So embrace your inner silver fox and wear the types of clothes that will give you a lasting sense of style. Going for the dapper look is your best bet here, whilst leaving your drop-crotch pants behind is probably the wiser option.

This article first appeared in D'Marge.