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The Audio component

The Audio component lets you place audio in your ad or HTML5 document.

To add the Audio component to your project:

  1. Open the components panel.
  2. Drag the Audio component to the stage.
  3. Set the audio properties in the audio properties panel.

Audio properties


Property Description
Name Sets the audio name.
Autoplay When selected, the audio will play automatically when the page has loaded. 
Loop When selected, the audio will repeat.
Muted When selected, the audio will be muted.
Controls When selected, shows the audio controls.
Sources Lets you specify a URL for multiple audio sources, with the sources separated by commas.
Google Web Designer supports all audio types supported in the HTML5 audio specification, including .mp4, .ogg, and .wav formats.



Components can't be previewed inside the Google Web Designer interface. To see the component in action, preview your ad in your preferred browser.


Events are how you connect a physical gesture from your user to an action in your ad. The Audio Component sends the following events, which can be used to trigger other actions:

  • Playing
  • Pause
  • Play after pause
  • Ended
  • Volume change
  • Seek
  • Buffering

These Audio component actions can be triggered by other events:

  • Play
  • Pause
  • Replay
  • Seek
  • Toggle mute
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