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GA quantity column

Displays the total quantity of items in Google Analytics transactions for sessions attributed to paid-search clicks.

Only available after you link your DoubleClick Search (DS) advertiser with a Google Analytics web property. Learn more about reporting on Google Analytics data from DS.

For example on the Keywords tab, this column shows the quantity of items attributed to each keyword within the report's time range. The summary row at the bottom of the table shows the total quantity of items for all keywords in the report.

You can use this column in a formula column by specifying the GA_quantity variable.

Looking for more information about Google Analytics metrics?

Visit the Google Analytics help center.

Add this column to a report
  1. Navigate to an advertiser or lower scope, or navigate to a bid strategy.

  2. Click the Engine accounts, Campaigns, Ad groups, Ads, or Keywords tab.

  3. Above the performance summary graph, click the Columns button.

  4. Next to Available columns, type the column name in the search box and press the Enter key.

  5. Click + next to the column name in the Available columns list.

  6. Click Apply.

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