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Report on IBM Digital Analytics data

About IBM Digital Analytics data in DoubleClick Search

IBM Digital Analytics can send data about conversion events that it collects on an advertiser’s site—including revenue and item counts—to DoubleClick Search (DS). Once DS receives this data you can:

Receiving data from Digital Analytics

To receive data from Digital Analytics in DS, you’ll need to link your DS account a client ID in your IBM Digital Analytics account. The link between DS and Digital Analytics connects a DS advertiser to one Digital Analytics Client ID.

Anyone with access to your DS advertiser will be able to see data from the Digital Analytics Client ID in DS.

How does the link work?

Once the link is complete, DS automatically passes the DS GCLID (click ID) parameter to all landing pages in the advertiser. (You won’t see this parameter in a keyword’s landing page URL or clickserver URL; DS adds the parameter just before forwarding to the advertiser’s site.)

When a customer lands on the advertiser’s site, IBM Digital Analytics scans the URL parameters. If it sees the DS GCLID parameter, it sends information about that visit, such as revenue and item counts, to DS. Digital Analytics uses its own logic to determine how long the user session lasts, and therefore how many events to associate with the DS click ID.

DS uses the data collected from Digital Analytics to attribute clicks and conversions to keywords or other objects, and to populate the Digital Analytics reporting columns. 

How far back does the data go?

Digital Analytics data is available in DS starting from the day that the link is complete. DS does not have access to events that occurred before you set up the link.

How often does DS update its reporting data for Digital Analytics?

See How fresh is the reporting data in DS?

DS columns and Digital Analytics tags

To collect information about a visit, Digital Analytics relies on the presence of a few different custom HTML tags on your site. When a customer completes an action, such as adding an item to a shopping cart, the tags record the event.

Each DS column displays data that was gathered from specific Digital Analytics tags. If you haven't added the tags to your site, DS cannot populate the corresponding column.

DS Column Name Digital Analytics tag
IBM abandoned item revenue


Shop action 5


IBM abandoned items


Shop action 5


IBM abandonments


Shop action 5


IBM bounces


Page view


IBM cart additions


Shop action 5


IBM cart revenue


Shop action 5


IBM conversions


Conversion event




Shop action 5


IBM order revenue




IBM orders




IBM page views


Page view


IBM product views


Product view


IBM purchased items


Shop action 9


IBM purchased revenue


Shop action 9


IBM purchases


Shop action 9


IBM time spent


Page view


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