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Welcome to the help center for DoubleClick Search, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the DoubleClick Search product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

About DoubleClick Search bid strategies

Bid adjustments in DS bid strategies

Some bid adjustments apply only to AdWords, Bing Ads, and Yahoo! Japan accounts

Some search engines such as AdWords can increase or decrease the bid you specify for specific types of devices, such as mobile, or specific types of targets, such as remarketing targets.

DoubleClick Search Smart Bidding strategies can find the optimal bid adjustment for your conversions or revenue goals because they use the same historical performance data to set the base bid and to adjust the bids for specific devices and targets. You can even set up a DS Smart Bidding strategy that focuses exclusively on optimizing bid adjustments. With this type of DS bid strategy you manually set bids, and the bid strategy automatically sets bid adjustments.

If you prefer a more hands-on approach, you can use a DS Smart Bidding strategy to simply recommend bid adjustments. Then you can periodically view and apply the recommendation when it suits your needs.

A DS bid strategy can only set or recommend bid adjustments for the campaigns and ad groups in its portfolio. A bid strategy doesn't set or recommend bid adjustments if the bid strategy is applied only to keywords or other biddable items.

Selecting optimization options

When you're creating a DS Smart Bidding strategy, one with a conversion or revenue goal, DS presents the following options.

Changing the settings

After you create a DS Smart Bidding strategy, you can change most of the bid-adjustment settings. For example, if you start with a bid strategy that only recommends mobile bid adjustments,  you can change the bid strategy later to automatically apply the bid adjustments. Likewise, if you start with a bid strategy that automatically sets bid adjustments, you can change the bid strategy so that it only recommends bid adjustments.

However, once you set up a bid strategy to automatically set bids (that is, automatically setting the base bid, not just setting adjustments such as mobile bid adjustments), you cannot go back to a bid strategy that focuses exclusively on optimizing bid adjustments.

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