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Upload conversions

Edit the downloaded bulksheet

To upload conversions from a bulksheet, make any of the following changes to the Conversions and Visit report you downloaded:

Add conversions

Add a conversion and attribute it to a visit
  1. Add a new row to the report.
  2. Add information to the following columns:
    In this column... Specify...
    Row type conversion
    Action create
    Status active
    Keyword ID,
    Ad ID,
    Ad Group ID,
    Campaign ID,
    Account ID,
    Advertiser ID
    Copy these values from an existing row that describes the visit and paste into the new row.
    Advertiser Conversion ID Optionally specify a unique ID for the conversion, such as an order number, transaction identifier, or other type of identifier that is meaningful to you. If you leave this column empty, DS automatically supplies a value when you upload the bulksheet. Learn more.
    Conversion revenue
    • If you’re adding a transaction conversion, enter an amount.
    • If you’re adding an action conversion, leave this column empty.
    Conversion Visit ID Copy the Conversion Visit ID from an existing row that describes the visit and paste it into the new row.
    Conversion timestamp Specify the time of the conversion. You can specify time in the engine account's time zone (listed in the Account time zone column) or, to avoid ambiguity, in UTC. See timestamp format below.
    Conversion visit timestamp Copy the Conversion visit timestamp from an existing row that describes the visit and paste it into the new row.
    Floodlight activity ID This column specifies the Floodlight activity that recorded the conversion. Copy the Floodlight activity ID from an existing conversion and paste it into the new row.

    If the Floodlight activity isn’t in the report you downloaded, you can specify the Floodlight activity name in the Floodlight activity name column and leave the Floodlight activity ID column empty.

    Device segment Optionally specify the type of device on which the conversion occurred. Valid values are:
    • Desktop
    • Mobile
    • Tablet
    • Other
    Attribution type visit
    Conversion type action or transaction
    Conversion referrer Optionally specify the URL of the page the customer visited immediately before the conversion page.
Add a conversion and attribute it to a visit using just the click ID

If you can access data from the advertiser's web logs, and if the Google click ID is included in your landing page URLs, you can add a conversion and attribute it to a visit using just a few IDs.

How do I know if the Google click ID is in my landing page URLs?

If you've enabled Google Analytics support or the conversion API service for the advertiser, DS automatically appends the click ID in the gclid URL parameter just before forwarding to the landing page. If you haven't enabled these options, you can append a custom URL parameter and use the [*GCLID*] macro to include the click ID.

To add a conversion and attribute it to the click ID:

  1. Add a new row to the report.
  2. Add a column to the report and name it Click ID.
  3. View the web log for the advertiser's web site and find the URL from DS that started the visit.
    Then copy the click ID into the Click ID column. 
    If you've enabled Google Analytics support or the conversion API service, the click ID is the value of the URL's gclid parameter. If you're using a custom URL parameter, the click ID is the value of the custom parameter that's using the [*GCLID*] macro.
  4. Add information to the following columns:
    In this column... Specify...
    Row type conversion
    Action create
    Status active
    Advertiser Conversion ID Optionally specify a unique ID for the conversion, such as an order number, transaction identifier, or other type of identifier that is meaningful to you. If you leave this column empty, DS automatically supplies a value when you upload the bulksheet. Learn more.
    Conversion revenue
    • If you’re adding a transaction conversion, enter an amount.
    • If you’re adding an action conversion, leave this column empty.
    Conversion timestamp Specify the time of the conversion. You can specify time in the engine account's time zone (listed in the Account time zone column) or, to avoid ambiguity, in UTC. See timestamp format below.
    Floodlight activity ID This column specifies the Floodlight activity that recorded the conversion. Copy the Floodlight activity ID from an existing conversion and paste it into the new row.

    If the Floodlight activity isn’t in the report you downloaded, you can specify the Floodlight activity name in the Floodlight activity name column and leave the Floodlight activity ID column empty.

    Device segment Optionally specify the type of device on which the conversion occurred. Valid values are:
    • Desktop
    • Mobile
    • Tablet
    • Other
    Attribution type visit
    Conversion type action or transaction
    Conversion referrer Optionally specify the URL of the page the customer visited immediately before the conversion page.

Note that Agency ID, Account ID, Advertiser ID are optional because DS can use the click ID to find the agency, account, and advertiser. For the same reason, the following IDs are also optional:
Conversion Visit ID,
Keyword ID,
Ad ID,
Ad Group ID,
Campaign ID

Add a conversion and attribute it to an ad and keyword regardless of any specific visit
  1. Add a new row to the report.
  2. Add information to the following columns:
    In this column... Specify...
    Row type conversion
    Action create
    Status active
    Keyword ID,
    Ad ID,
    Ad Group ID,
    Campaign ID,
    Account ID,
    Advertiser ID
    Specify the ID of the keyword and ad that you want to attribute for the conversion, as well as the ID of the ad group, campaign, account, and advertiser that contains the keyword and ad. If you don’t have the ad ID for the attribution, specify 0 for Ad ID.
    Advertiser Conversion ID Optionally specify a unique ID for the conversion, such as an order number, transaction identifier, or other type of identifier that is meaningful to you. If you leave this column empty, DS automatically supplies a value when you upload the bulksheet. Learn more.
    Conversion revenue
    • If you’re adding a transaction conversion, enter an amount.
    • If you’re adding an action conversion, leave this column empty.
    Conversion timestamp Specify the time of the conversion. You can specify time in the engine account's time zone (listed in the Account time zone column) or, to avoid ambiguity, in UTC. See timestamp format below.
    Floodlight activity ID This column specifies the Floodlight activity that recorded the conversion. Copy the appropriate Floodlight activity ID from an existing conversion and paste it into the new row. Use the Floodlight activity name column to help you identify the activity.

    If the Floodlight activity isn’t in the report you downloaded, you can specify the Floodlight activity name in the Floodlight activity name column and leave the Floodlight activity ID column empty.

    Device segment Optionally specify the type of device on which the conversion occurred. Valid values are:
    • Desktop
    • Mobile
    • Tablet
    • Other
    Attribution type keyword/ad
    Conversion type action or transaction
    Conversion referrer Optionally specify the URL of the page the customer visited immediately before the conversion page.
Add a conversion and attribute it to a keyword only
  1. Add a new row to the report.
  2. Add information to the following columns:
    In this column... Specify...
    Row type conversion
    Action create
    Status active
    Keyword ID Specify the ID of the keyword that you want to attribute for the conversion.
    You can optionally specify the ID of the ad group, campaign, account, and advertiser that contains the keyword in these columns: Ad Group ID, Campaign ID, Account ID, Advertiser ID
    Advertiser Conversion ID Optionally specify a unique ID for the conversion, such as an order number, transaction identifier, or other type of identifier that is meaningful to you. If you leave this column empty, DS automatically supplies a value when you upload the bulksheet. Learn more.
    Conversion revenue
    • If you’re adding a transaction conversion, enter an amount.
    • If you’re adding an action conversion, leave this column empty.
    Conversion timestamp Specify the time of the conversion. You can specify time in the engine account's time zone (listed in the Account time zone column) or, to avoid ambiguity, in UTC. See timestamp format below.
    Floodlight activity ID This column specifies the Floodlight activity that recorded the conversion. Copy the appropriate Floodlight activity ID from an existing conversion and paste it into the new row. Use the Floodlight activity name column to help you identify the activity.

    If the Floodlight activity isn’t in the report you downloaded, you can specify the Floodlight activity name in the Floodlight activity name column and leave the Floodlight activity ID column empty.

    Device segment Optionally specify the type of device on which the conversion occurred. Valid values are:
    • Desktop
    • Mobile
    • Tablet
    • Other
    Attribution type keyword/ad
    Conversion type action or transaction
    Conversion referrer Optionally specify the URL of the page the customer visited immediately before the conversion page.
Add a conversion and attribute it to a product in a Shopping campaign

To attribute conversions to specific products coming from your Merchant Center inventory feed and being advertised in a Shopping campaign:

  1. Make sure the Conversions and Visits report you downloaded contains products from a Shopping campaign.
  2. Add a new row to the report.
  3. Add information to the following columns:
    In this column... Specify...
    Row type conversion
    Action create
    Status active
    Advertiser Conversion ID Optionally specify a unique ID for the conversion, such as an order number, transaction identifier, or other type of identifier that is meaningful to you. If you leave this column empty, DS automatically supplies a value when you upload the bulksheet. Learn more.
    Conversion revenue
    • If you’re adding a transaction conversion, enter an amount.
    • If you’re adding an action conversion, leave this column empty.
    Conversion timestamp Specify the time of the conversion. You can specify time in the engine account's time zone (listed in the Account time zone column) or, to avoid ambiguity, in UTC. See timestamp format below.
    Floodlight activity ID The Floodlight activity that recorded the conversion. Copy the Floodlight activity ID from an existing conversion and paste it into the new row.

    If the Floodlight activity isn’t in the report you downloaded, you can specify the Floodlight activity name in the Floodlight activity name column and leave the Floodlight activity ID column empty.

    Attribution type Product group
    Conversion type action or transaction
    Conversion referrer Optionally specify the URL of the page the customer visited immediately before the conversion page.
    Product group ID The ID of the product group that you want to attribute for the conversion. DS assigns this ID to a product group when the group is created.
    Product ID

    The ID for the product. You specify this ID in your inventory feed.

    If a product doesn't appear in the downloaded bulksheet, there may not be any conversion data for the product during the report's time period. You can either adjust the report's time period and download another bulksheet or look up the product ID from the DS UI by clicking Inventory management in the left navigation pane and looking in the Product ID column on the Inventory items tab.

    Feed ID The ID of the inventory feed to which the product belongs. DS assigns this ID when you link a product feed to DS.

    If your Merchant Center account is a multi-client account, specify the ID of the sub-account that contains the product. You can find this ID from the DS UI by clicking Inventory management in the left navigation pane and looking in the ID column on the Inventory accounts tab.

    Product Country The country that has been defined for the Merchant Center feed that contains data about the product. Specify an ISO 3166 country code.
    Product Language The language that has been defined for the Merchant Center feed that contains data about the product. Specify an ISO 639 language code.
    Channel Set to Online for online Shopping ads and Local for Local Inventory Ads.
    Store Id For Local Inventory Ads, specify the store for which the product was advertised. This should match the store IDs used in your inventory feed.

Edit an existing conversion

To edit an existing conversion, change a value in any of the following columns:

  • Conversion revenue (for transaction conversions only)
  • Engine Account Currency: (for transaction conversions only) Changes the currency of the transaction. Specify the currency in the ISO 4217 alphabetic (3-char) format. For example, EUR for Euro.
  • Conversion quantity (for action conversions only)
  • Device segment

If the bulksheet doesn't already contain one or more of these columns, you can add them just as you'd add any column to a spreadsheet.

DoubleClick Search does not support changing the following:

  • The conversion date.
  • The conversion type.
  • The keyword, ad, or visit that is attributed for the conversion.
  • The Floodlight activity or activity name.
  • The Conversion ID or Advertiser Conversion ID.

However, you can always remove a conversion and upload a new one with the updated date, type, or Floodlight activity.

Remove an existing conversion

To remove an existing conversion:

  1. In the conversion’s Action column, enter deactivate.

  2. In the conversion’s Status column, enter removed.

  3. Remove any value from the conversion's Attribution type column.

Timestamp formats

Use any of the following ISO 8601 formats in a timestamp column (set the column formatting to "text" if you're uploading a Microsoft Excel sheet):

  • If you're specifying time in the engine account's time zone:
    • yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss
    • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
    • yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS
    • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS
  • If you're specifying time in UTC (also known as "Zulu" time or "Greenwich Mean Time"):
    • yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'
    • yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'

For example, if the engine account's time zone is Eastern Standard Time, the following two timestamps are equivalent:

  • 2015-03-08 02:32:30
  • 2015-03-08T07:32:30Z

Conversion IDs

Each conversion has two unique IDs:

  • Advertiser Conversion ID: You can use this ID to specify an order number, transaction identifier, or other type of identifier that is meaningful to you. Do not place any PII in this field.

    DS requires the advertiser conversion ID to be unique for a given date and scope. For example, if you attribute two conversions to an ad, the advertiser conversion IDs need to be unique for a given date, account, campaign, ad group, keyword, and ad. If you attribute two conversions to a campaign, the advertiser conversion IDs just need to be unique for a given date, account, and campaign. DS reports an error when you to upload a bulksheet with duplicate IDs.

    If you leave this column empty, DS automatically supplies a value when you upload the bulksheet to DS.

  • Conversion ID: DS generates this ID to uniquely identify the conversion.

    Because this ID is a somewhat randomly generated string guaranteed to be unique, you may want to supply your own ID in the Advertiser Conversion ID column. 
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