Report on conversions even faster in DoubleClick Search

Tuesday, November 27, 2012 |

Whether it’s clicks, impressions, or conversions, you need fresh data at your fingertips to make the most informed decisions off of the most relevant data -- especially during the busy holiday season.

The DoubleClick Search team is excited to announce the availability of instant Floodlight conversion data in all its reports -- in addition to the engine performance data we already update in near-real time -- to bring you the freshest, most reliable data. With this release, reporting on conversion data in DoubleClick Search will be updated automatically throughout the day, minutes after a conversion happens. This new update is just one of the benefits of our holistic DoubleClick Digital Marketing platform, which tightly integrates data flows between systems to give you deduplicated, accurate, intra-day data, when you need it.

With this enhancement, get immediate feedback on how your campaigns are performing, given specific changes to creative ad text, bids, keywords, or external factors. For example, if you’re launching a new holiday campaign, DoubleClick Search reporting will now start recording any conversions as soon as the campaign is live. Within moments of any event that impacts your campaign (a snowstorm, airing of a TV ad, or bid changes, to name a few), you can view the impact of that event on your overall campaign performance, without having to wait for the typical 24-hour data delays from nightly data transfers.

In addition, if you're looking at stats from ‘Today’ for any of your campaigns, you can see your conversion stats update in real time.

This functionality is rolling out to all advertisers over the next few weeks, just in time for you keep track of the ROI of your holiday shopping campaigns.

For more information, reach out to your Technical Account Manager, or our support team at

Posted by the DoubleClick Search Team