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Welcome to the help center for DoubleClick Search, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the DoubleClick Search product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Use your business data to manage campaigns

Introduction to business data in DoubleClick Search

Business data in DoubleClick Search uses information about your business to provide reporting insights and automate campaign management.

Business data in DoubleClick Search

Reporting insights

Instead of forcing your search marketing reports to fit into the traditional campaign and ad group structure, you can use your business data to create reports that match the organization you've set up for your business. Here's how:

  1. Provide DoubleClick Search with a description of how you organize your business.
    For example, if you advertise for hotels, you can upload the regions, cities, or neighborhoods where your hotels are located. Or if most of your reporting revolves around tiers of hotel products and services, you can upload the products, services, and ratings of your hotels.

  2. Apply the business data to accounts, campaigns, and other items in DoubleClick Search, similar to the way you apply labels.
    Apply Business Data to campaigns.

  3. Create reports that pivot along the same lines as your business data.
    For example, you can compare impressions, clicks, and conversions for your hotels by region, city, or neighborhood.
    Create reports that pivot along the same lines as your Business Data.

Automate campaign management

You can also upload data that you use to make marketing decisions. Then you can write automated rules in DoubleClick Search that respond to changes in data.

For example, if you advertise for hotels and pause or unpause campaigns based on availability of rooms, you can:

  • Add availability information to the data you use to describe each hotel.

  • Create an automated rule that runs daily and pauses campaigns, ad groups, and keywords when a hotel starts to run out of available rooms.

How is business data different from labels?

Business data provides a few advantages over labels, such as:

  • Business data is validated. Unlike labels, DS ensures that the business data you apply to items in DS is spelled and punctuated consistently. If you misspell a label or use different punctuation, you'll end up with two separate labels.
  • Business data is easy to update as your needs change. If the data that you start out with isn't detailed enough, you can always apply additional details as needed.
  • You can segment and group (dimension) reports by business data, which you can't do with labels.

See a comparison of labels and business data.

What can I apply business data to?

You can apply business data to any of the following items in DoubleClick Search:

  • Engine account

  • Campaign

  • Ad group

  • Ad

  • Keyword

Ready to get started?

  1. Define the business data you plan to use in DoubleClick Search.

  2. Enter or upload your business data.

  3. Apply the business data to accounts, campaigns, and other items.

  4. Create reports that pivot on your business data and write rules that take action when the data changes.

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