

See the full experience 
the rundown

We wanted to create a utility that IKEA customers could regularly use to help inspire them in their home. Swedish for “scrapbook”, KLIPPBOK is an iPad app which gives users access to IKEA products all year round. A first of its kind for IKEA, KLIPPBOK gives home decoration enthusiasts a space to mix’n’match IKEA products to create ideas for their home. With easy-to-use design functionality, users can create collages, swatchbooks, roomsets and more. KLIPPBOK is whatever you make of it.

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The Building Blocks

The tactile and immediate nature of touchscreen devices really lends itself to being a freeform creative tool – a scrapbook, in this case. As many leisure pursuits move onto mobile devices, inspiration is no different. The portability allows people to engage whenever inspiration strikes: at home, on the bus to work or when they’re on a break. It also means they can easily share ideas with family and friends.
  •   Mobile
    Mobile Rich Media
  •   Search
    Google Search
  •   Social
  •   Video
  •   Web/Apps
    Adobe Flash CS6

The Votes

The Details

Targeted Regions
  • Global
Marketing Objective
Launch Date
Nov. 16, 2012

The Team

  • Ikea Australia
  • Rebecca Darley, National Marketing Manager
  • Rowena Kanna, Advertising Manager
  • Kristen Weinand, Marketing Web Specialist
  • Matt Sammarco, Marketing Web Specialist
  • The Monkeys
  • Justin Drape, Executive Creative Director
  • Jay Gelardi, Digital Creative Director
  • Kristian Saliba, Digital Head of Art
  • Karen Ferry, Copywriter
  • Clare Jones, Group Content Director
  • Kate Blackadder, Senior Content Director
  • Ben Cooper, Digital Director
  • Priyanka Patel, Content Manager
  • Debbie Sit, Senior Digital Producer
  • Kynan Hughes, Technical Director
  • Tim Grout, Senior Digital Designer
  • Adam Robertson, Lead Technical Developer
  • Nomad
  • David McGowan, Managing Director
  • Kerstin Keimling, Senior Digital Producer
  • Jim Wild, Head of Technical Development
  • Lucy Minshall, Developer
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The Stats

  • 3 all nighters
  • 14 team members working on this project
  • 103 countries have downloaded KLIPPBOK

The Results

KLIPPBOK soared to the top of many iTunes lifestyle charts all over the world and is being used in over 100 countries to date, defining a universal need for such a tool that inspires people to try new ideas and experiment with decorating in their own home. We also have the ability to add more product ranges to support campaigns as demand increases meaning KLIPPBOK as a tool can only get bigger.

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