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Manually sync engine changes into DoubleClick Search

If you add or change items directly in an engine, you'll need to synchronize (sync for short) those changes with DoubleClick Search (DS). The sync operation updates DS with a copy of all supported items that were created or updated in the engine.

For example, if you sign into AdWords and create a new campaign in the AdWords UI, DS doesn't receive notification about the new campaign—and cannot manage the new campaign—until you sync the change into DS.

Best practice: schedule a sync

To make sure you don't forget to sync changes into DS, follow this best practice:

  1. Manually sync the engine account and fix all trafficking errors, as described below.
  2. After you've cleaned up trafficking errors and can manually sync without additional errors, schedule a sync to run automatically on a regular basis, such as nightly.

Manually sync an account

  1. Navigate to the engine account you want to sync.

    Steps for navigating to an engine account
    1. In the left navigation pane, click All accounts.
      What if the left navigation pane isn't visible?

    2. Click the navigation bar to display navigation options.

    3. In the Agency list, click on the agency that contains the advertiser. You can search for an agency by name or scroll through the list.

    4. In the Advertiser list, click on the advertiser that contains the engine account.

    5. In the Account list, click on the engine account.

    6. Click Apply or press the Enter key.

    DoubleClick Search displays the engine account page.

  2. Click the Campaigns, Ad groups, Keywords, or Ads tab.
    Depending on the type of engine account, you can start the sync from some of the other tabs as well. The specific tab that you navigate to doesn't matter: sync applies to the entire engine account regardless of which DS tab you start the sync from.

  3. In the toolbar above the reporting table, click the sync from engine icon Sync from engine icon.

    Drawing of top half of the campaign management user interface with arrow pointing to the sync from engine icon.

    Don't see the sync from engine icon Sync from engine icon? Make sure you navigate to an engine account before you click the Campaigns, Ad groups, Keywords, or Ads tab. The sync button does not appear until you navigate to a specific engine account.

    The sync properties appear.

  4. Syncing with the engine presents an opportunity to fix errors DS has encountered while trafficking updated or new items from DS to the engine. Optionally select Fix all trafficking errors to do the following:

    • Overwrite existing items that were updated incorrectly in DS with a fresh copy from the engine. Any changes you made to the item in DS will be lost.
      For example, if you made a mistake while updating the landing page URL for an existing keyword, DS is unable to traffic the update to the engine. During a sync operation, you can return the keyword to its original landing page URL by selecting this option.

    • Remove new items that were created in DS but never trafficked because of trafficking errors. (Since the new DS items don't exist in the engine account, the only way to fix the trafficking error is to remove them from DS.)
      For example, you create a new keyword in DS, but the keyword's landing page URL is invalid. During a sync operation, you can remove the keyword from DS by selecting this option.

  5. Click Start sync.

DS starts the sync and displays its progress above the reporting table. For example:
Sync progress: 80% complete

Don't modify existing campaigns, ad groups, keywords, or other items in a DS engine account while the account is syncing. These changes could be lost or overwritten. You can safely work in other engine accounts that are not being synced.

When sync has finished successfully, the status message no longer appears above the reporting table.

If you created new items that specify their own landing page URLs (for example if you created new keywords or AdWords sitelinks), DS copies the new items into DS and stores the landing page URL in each item's Landing page column.

For all engines except AdWords, DS does the following after the sync completes:

  1. Generates a clickserver URL for each item.
  2. Retraffics the items and clickserver URLs back out to the engine. When you view the items in the engine you'll see the DS clickserver URL instead of the landing page URL you defined. Recall that DS keeps a copy of the original landing page URL in its Landing page column.

This applies to any item that defines its own landing page URL except ads. DS does not generate clickserver URLs for ads.

In AdWords accounts, DS generates and traffics a custom parameter for each new keyword and other trackable item. The custom parameter is used to create a unique clickserver URL for each keyword and other trackable item. Then AdWords itself manages the process of assembling a URL for the item.

Please keep the following in mind

  • The sync will not start until all pending operations have been trafficked or received an error. For example, if you just modified a campaign, DS will need to traffic the change to the engine or send an error before the sync can begin.

  • The sync will skip:
    • Items that DS doesn't support (such as image ads).
    • Settings that DS doesn't understand (such as ad scheduling in AdWords).
    • Removed campaigns, ad groups, ads, keywords, and other items, including products that have been removed from shopping campaign feeds.
  • The sync of a large account can last several minutes. Smaller accounts should sync more quickly.

  • Sync imports some types of data more quickly than other types of data. That is, it may take several hours before metrics reported in DoubleClick Search more accurately reflect the metrics reported in the engine.

  • The initial sync imports up to the last 30 days of data.

  • Closing the browser window will not affect the sync.

  • If you sync an account that has some ad copy under editorial review, DS will import the updated ad copy that has not yet been approved.

  • You can't select specific parts of the engine account to sync.

  • Have more questions? See What happens when I run a sync?

In addition:

  • If you create keywords directly in the engine without specifying landing page URLs, when you sync DoubleClick Search (DS) does the following depending on the type of engine account:

    • Baidu: If you didn't specify a landing page URL for mobile devices, DS uses the keyword's non-mobile URL. If you didn't specify a non-mobile URL for the keyword,  DS copies a random landing page URL from an active ad in the ad group and adds the URL to the keyword.
    • Bing Ads: Even though a landing page or destination URL is specified for ads in a Bing Ads engine account, DS reports a sync error because an ad's destination URL is not copied to keywords. (DS ignores the ad landing page specified in the Bing Ads engine account), so DS reports a sync error. You can see all sync errors after a sync completes.
    • All other engine accounts: DS copies a random landing page URL from an active ad in the ad group and adds the URL to the keywords.

    If you want specific landing pages for your keywords, be sure to specify landing page URLs for your keywords before running a sync.

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