Publish to DoubleClick Studio

If you have a DoubleClick Studio account, you can publish your creatives directly to DoubleClick Studio by clicking the arrow next to the publish button  at the bottom of the stage, and selecting Publish to DoubleClick Studio from the pop-up menu.  When publishing, Google Web Designer adds the appropriate enabler code, and lets you choose the account, advertiser, and campaign that you want to publish the ad to.

To publish to DoubleClick Studio from Google Web Designer:

Publishing to DoubleClick Studio for the first time?

The first time that you publish to DoubleClick Studio, you will be prompted to sign in with your Google account.

  1. Click "Sign in" to launch the Google account page.
  2. Enter the email address and password for the account you want to use, and click "Sign in".
  3. On the next page, click "Accept" to let Google Web Designer view and manage creatives and campaigns for DoubleClick Studio.

Publishing to DoubleClick Studio

In the publish dialog:

  1. Enter the account name for the ad that you're uploading.
  2. Enter the name of the advertiser. You can choose an existing advertiser, or you can create a new one.
  3. Enter the campaign name for the ad that you're uploading. You can choose an existing campaign, or if you enter a new name you can create a new one.
  4. Choose from the following file choices:
    • Inline local files - places all the JavaScript and CSS within the HTML. 
    • Polite loading -  delays the loading of creative assets until the hosting page finishes its initial load. 
    • Groups Unpacking - unpacks groups so they don’t have to be unpacked during runtime when the creative is loaded.
    • Add border - lets you choose to use a border and to pick a border color for the ad. 
  5. Click Publish.

Stop publishing to your DoubleClick account

Once you publish a document to your DoubleClick account, it will keep publishing directly to DoubleClick until you specifically break the publishing association. You can do that by clicking the arrow next to the publish button at the bottom of the stage, then clicking the link icon to break the publishing association.

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