Get started with Asset Library

One place to host, manage and modify all your creative assets

This article is a one-page step-by-step guide for creative agencies to get started with Asset Library in DoubleClick Studio. With the Asset Library, you can host and manage assets for rich media and dynamic creatives for free. In Studio, click Assets to access Asset Library.

When you use the Asset Library for the first time, you will see a folder hierarchy that mirrors your Studio account: Any time you create a new advertiser, campaign, or creative in the Creatives tab, Studio will generate a folder for it in the Asset Library for each of them.

In addition, you can create custom folders within this hierarchy to help you organize and find assets. Custom folders can be nested anywhere except inside a creative and at any depth that makes sense as part of your asset management strategy.

Familiarize yourself with the folder structure

As explained above, you'll see three different folders in the Asset Library when you access it for the first time: advertiser folders, campaign folders, and creative folders.

To see each folder's hierarchy, click the down arrows next the folder or click the folder itself.

Each folder type is identified by a distinctive icon as you can see in the screenshot below.

image showing an advertiser-level folder that contains a campaign folder, which in turn contains two creative folders
Create new folders

You can create new folders directly in Asset Library to further organize and find your assets. Click the drop-down to the right of the folder and choose "New Folder".

Alternatively, click the big red "New folder" button above the middle pane. We call these folders custom folders. You can create them anywhere except in Creative folders.

You can give custom folders any name you want, as long as it's unique within its parent folder.

New folders are represented by a plain grey folder icon.

Image showing a submenu that displayed after clicking the down arrow corresponding to a campaign-level asset folder
Find your assets

All assets and creatives that have been uploaded on the Creatives tab will get replicated in the Asset Library. This enables you to use them across other campaigns. Each asset type is identified by a specific icon.

You can use the search box on the upper right to find specific assets.

image showing the file list of a Flash file, an image file, and another Flash file along with their respective icons

You may also want to star your assets to find them quicker. See the Star assets to find them quicker section in the Find and preview assets in the Asset Library article to learn how.

Upload new assets

You can upload images, videos, SWFs, XMLs, fonts, or JavaScript files into the Asset Library by using the Upload button.

You can upload your assets into a custom folder or in an advertiser or campaign folder.

There is no limit to the number of assets you can upload; the file limit for non-video assets is 10 MB, video is 60 MB (except .ogg & .ogv which is 10 MB).

Image of the New Folder button on the Assets tab
Use custom folders to organize your assets

A principal organizational strategy is to store an asset at its highest level of reuse. This could be directly under the advertiser, but you might want to further break down folders by year or by asset type (e.g., images, videos, SWFs) or any other categorization that works for you. Create a hierarchy that will make it easy to locate the right assets for any creative, remembering that you can now use the same asset in multiple creatives.

If you know that an asset may be reused within a campaign but not in other campaigns, it might make sense to store it either directly under that campaign, or in a custom folder within that campaign.

If you know that an asset is not intended for reuse beyond one creative, you can upload it directly onto the Creative tab workflow and it will display only within that creative folder in Asset Library. You will be able to use that asset across other creatives, however it won't appear in any hierarchically logical order in Asset Library. If you decide to reuse it later in different campaigns or creatives, we recommend that you upload it again within the Asset Library so all of your assets are neatly organized.

Image showing an example of a custom Asset Library folder placed in a campaign folder
Use your Asset Library asset in a Standard rich media creative

When you define a new creative within the Creatives tab, you can either:

  • Reuse assets that were already uploaded to the Asset Library by clicking the Add button in the Creatives tab workflow
  • Use the assets only for that creative by clicking the Upload button
Image pointing out the Add button on the Creatives tab

Then assign the Asset Library asset to your DoubleClick Rich Media Flash or HTML5 creative as usual:

Flash:  When loading in assets in Flash, use the StudioLoader class or, if using your own loader, use getUrl to retrieve the actual file URL from the Asset Library in your creative.

HTML5: For HTML5, simply set the element's src attribute or CSS property to the asset's filename. If using JavaScript to assign the asset, wrap the filename in the Enabler.getUrl method.

In the examples on the right, filename.png is the name of our asset in Asset Library.


var myLoader:StudioLoader = new StudioLoader();
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("filename.png");


DOM element

<img id="myImage" src="filename.png" title="My Image Asset" />


#myImage {
background: url('filename.png') no-repeat


var myImage = document.getElementById('myimage');
myImage.src = Enabler.getUrl('filename.png');
// OR"url('"+Enabler.getUrl("filename.png")+"')";
Assign your assets to a dynamic creative

All assets available in the Asset Library can be used within an advanced or basic dynamic creative.

The dynamic path, which needs to be copied from the Asset Library, is available via the Details pane on the right of the Assets tab:

image showing the Details pane of a creative in the Asset library, listing the filename, dimensions, file size, and dynamic file path

The structure of a dynamic path is: DRM_Asset:ourfolder/wherewehostourassets/assetimage-1.jpg

When you upload a feed to Studio, Studio assigns specific field types: Asset Library path for all non-video assets, Asset Library video file path for all video assets, and Asset Library folder or directory path for folder paths.

We also support relative paths where the feed contains the actual file name;  in Studio we assign the relative path to the file name to link to the file.

Note: If you are changing your feed from previously non-Asset Library assets to contain Asset Library assets, consider that you need to change the asset links in your feed & re-upload your feed. The last step is to republish your profile. Be aware that additional steps might be required if you change details in your feed such as column headers.
Learn more

We hope our Getting Started Guide is useful to you. If you want to find out about other features, for example push assets live for trafficked creatives, read the rest of the Asset Library articles in the Rich Media Help Center. See the Asset Library overview as a start.

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Sarah is a DoubleClick Studio expert and author of this help page. Help her improve this article by leaving feedback below.

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