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Markets Live: Biz less bullish

Early, mining-inspired gains on the ASX have been erased amid selling in the big banks, while NAB's monthly business confidence survey shows a pullback from recent heights.

Indicators across the debt market show investors don't expect longer-term yields to move much higher. In addition, the ...

Bond traders don't fear Fed

The world's biggest bond traders see no reason to shy away from long-term US Treasuries even as US rates are poised to leap.

Brent for May settlement was unchanged at $US51.37 a barrel on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange. Prices slid ...

Oil steady after rout

Oil hovered below $US49 a barrel as US drillers boosted activity, countering OPEC's efforts to help reduce a global glut.

Female workers are at a disadvantage from the first rung of their career ladder, the study shows.

'Don't be a commander' - fund manager's guide to women

"Genetic factors like levels of testosterone and how the brain deals with stress can skew female investors into being more risk adverse" - Stereotypes aplenty as global wealth group State Street Global Advisors hunts alpha female investors.

Businessman Atkinson Prakash Charan (left) pictured with his brother.

Rich-list tycoons accused of fraud and shocking vilification

Rich-list tycoons behind a vocational training empire that collapsed after receiving $100 million in government funding have been implicated in series of fraud allegations, predatory conduct towards vulnerable students and shocking vilification of business associates.

France's Marine le Pen (right) and Dutch populist anti-Islam lawmaker Geert Wilders.

Politics casts a shadow over Europe

Investors are keen to invest in the European growth story but, days ahead of Dutch elections, are asking whether politics will spoil the party.

Low-paid workers are worst impacted by an old law that applies a $450 threshold for compulsory super.

Women, students exploited due to super threshold

The ability of employers to exploit casual workforces made up mainly of women and students would be reduced if the Turnbull government removes a $450 minimum income level for superannuation guarantee payments, a federal inquiry has been told.


Markets Live: Gold glitters as ASX drops

Shares start the week on a downer, as the big miners put in a mixed performance and listed property stocks cop some heavy selling, while gold producers roar back into favour.

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