Alberta Politics: The Trump-like hallmark of Jason Kenney’s campaign: Its singular lack of ideas

PHOTOS: Jason Kenney crashing the Throne Speech party at the Legislature last week. Below: U.S. President Donald Trump; the late Ralph Klein, premier of Alberta; Rachel Notley, the present premier of Alberta; and political commentator Ricardo Acuna. Jason Kenny, the social conservative social media enthusiast who will almost certainly become leader of the Progressive Conservative ... – Alberta Politics: Bozo-Eruption Alert: Wildrose campus club email declares “Feminism is Cancer”

“Feminism is Cancer” was the subject line of an email sent out by the Wildrose Party campus club at the University of Calgary promoting the showing of the film “Red Pill.” The Wildrose club planned to screen the film, which online reviews describe as exploring Men’s Rights issues, on the U of C campus on ...

Warren Kinsella: Mad Max is an understatement

In case you are unfamiliar with “red pilling, this: “In the case of Gamergate, the “red pill” was that men had to reclaim their dominance over women or risk their downfall. In the case of the alt-right, the “red pill” is that all races were meant to exist separately.” This idiot just giddily promoted a ...

PostArctica: Dan Bern In Montreal

Had the great pleasure of attending a Dan Bern concert Sunday afternoon at a bar downtown. It was a small back room venue with excellent sound, perfect for this type of performance – one singer with a guitar and harmonica. From wiki “Dan Bern (also known as Bernstein) is an American guitarist, singer, songwriter, novelist ...

The Disaffected Lib: Murmurs From the Asylum.

This must be just a horrible dream. Listen as Trump’s housing secretary, Dr. Ben Carson, explains how his own ancestors, who arrived in America in the holds of slave ships, were actually hard-working immigrants who came to America with a dream of a wondrous future for their children and grandchildren. This man, much like the ...

Politics and its Discontents: The Americans Had Their Wells Fargo Scandal ….

Now we have our own, thanks to TD Canada Trust’s duplicitous practices: Recommend this Post

DeSmogBlog: B.C.’s Biggest Wind Farm Just Came Online — But Future of Wind in Province Bleak

On wind-swept ridgelines, surrounded by pine-beetle ravaged forests, the massive turbines at B.C.’s largest wind power project have started turning. The Meikle Wind project, built by Pattern Development, will increase wind power capacity in the province by more than one third — to almost 674 megawatts — and will be able to generate energy for up ...

The Disaffected Lib: Maybe Trump is Telling the Truth

Donald Trump may be wrong about Obama wiretapping his lines in Trump Tower and elsewhere. However he has made it astonishingly easy for others, especially those who might not have America’s best interests at heart, to delve into his innermost secrets. Blame the Samsung Galaxy S3, the smartphone that Trump uses for his late night/pre-dawn ...

Warren Kinsella: This week’s column: he’s just visiting, too

Spring 2009: the tulips were blooming, the birds were chirping, and Ottawa was buzzing about the prospects of Prime Minister Michael Ignatieff. The polls looked good. The pundits were saying nice things. Stephen Harper’s regime was slipping. Liberals were accordingly feeling optimistic, so they threw a little party. Staff moved the long tables out of ...

The Disaffected Lib: No, Donald, There Is No Santa Claus or Wiretaps For That Matter.

Donald Trump loves his Android smartphone, his late night portal to the Twittersphere. Then that orange moron worries about being wiretapped. He’s been warned about the security risk that poses but he’s still using his Samsung Galaxy. Besides, as this Guardian article reveals, nobody wiretaps any more. That’s so 1960s – just like Donald J. Trump. ...

Canadian Dimension: An Interview with Noam Chomsky on Trump and the US Election

Photo by Mike Maguire This interview took place at the University of Arizona, before a public audience, on February 2, 2017. I thank Marvin Waterstone for arranging the event, and Professor Chomsky, who approved this transcript for publication. The interview is presented in full, with only very slight editing for style. This interview originally appeared ...

The Disaffected Lib: Chris Hedges Sees Liberals as Trump’s Essential Enablers

He’s got a point. Our liberal elite went along to get along as our political centre was inexorably shifted to the right. In the States they’ve evolved a politics in which Ronald Reagan would today be considered much too left to ever win the Republican leadership. Democrats have trailed behind, abandoning the final vestiges of ...

We Pivot: Let’s Change BC’s Racist Street Names

The World Economic Forum is not the most progressive organization in world history. They’ve been part of pushing a neoliberal privatization agenda on many poor countries for decades. But they’re going through what appears to be at least a salon … [Read more]

Wise Law Blog: Top 10 Legal Headlines for the week of March 6, 2017

Here are our Top 10 legal headlines for the week of March 6, 2017 from @wiselaw on Twitter. For more information on employment law, family law, and wills, estates and estates litigation, visit our website at – Garry J. Wise, Toronto Visit our Toronto Law Office website: Visit our website:

Wise Law Blog: 140Law: Legal Headlines for the week of March 6, 2017

Here are our leading legal headlines for the week of March 6, 2017 from Wise Law on Twitter:  Did White House exclusion of press violate First Amendment? Norman Siegel says suit should be filed Upload to file-sharing site was like leaving file on a bench: Virginia federal judge; privilege waived Malaysia to charge 2 women with ...

Things Are Good: Don’t Feed the Trolls, Quiz Them

Online commentators that only have the goal of bothering other people may soon find that their goal is harder to achieve. The Norwegian public broadcaster, NRK, has implemented a simple solution: ask commenters if they read the article. NRK has put a short (and easy) quiz on some articles that is about the content of ...

Politics and its Discontents: Another Pending Betrayal

As we become increasingly disillusioned about the growing disparity between the Trudeau promise and its reality, another betrayal of that promise is pending. Like his neoliberal soul sister in Ontario, Kathleen Wynne, who insists that selling off 60% of the provincial crown jewel known as Hydro One, Mr. Trudeau apparently thinks it is a keen ...

Warren Kinsella: Day Without A Woman

At Daisy Group, on Wednesday, we are going to be participating in the Day Without A Woman, as urged by the Women’s March.  The women in our firm will therefore decide whether they want to be at work or not. If you are interested in learning more, information is here: In the same spirit of love ...

Accidental Deliberations: Monday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material to start your week. – Louis-Philippe Rochon chimes in on why Justin Trudeau’s faux populism is entirely beyond belief when compared to his actions while in power: Since coming to power, the prime minister has openly pursued policies that have only exacerbated the economic situation by raising corporate profits, and by contributing to the ...

Northern Reflections: He’s Nuts

Reports are that Friday was a rough day at the White House. Having discovered that his attorney general had recused himself from all investigations of Russian meddling in the American election, Donald Trump went ballistic and reamed out his staff for allowing Jeff Sessions to step aside. Then he headed to Florida to play golf. ...

Babel-on-the-Bay: Ontario is billing it forward.

If you have heard of paying it forward, you should have no problem with the concept of billing something forward. It is the reverse of paying it forward. It is when you take a bill, you had put off for tomorrow and you stick it in a drawer to pay next year. It is the ...

Montreal Simon: Has Donald Trump Tweeted Himself Into A Corner?

They don't call him Twitler for nothing, and Donald Trump's compulsive tweeting has caused him problems before.But somehow he always manages to get away with it, so one big lie just follows another.But his early Saturday morning tweets accusing Barrack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower… May be the biggest mistake of his short and chaotic presidency.Read more »

wmtc: in which i come home and get caught up without anxiety (hooray for medication)

I recently had a very positive experience with anti-anxiety medication, and realized I should share it here. I’ve written many times about the wonders of modern medicine for treating depression and anxiety, and the life-changing, relationship-saving, and quite possibly life-saving effects of using the right medication. While these drugs may be sometimes prescribed unnecessarily, I ...

Excited Delirium: Some Good News: Ontario Cottagers Will Not Get Hydro Rebate

The entire Ontario Hydro portfolio is a disaster. Kathleen Wynne has admitted it. The opposition leaders know it. Thankfully, the rural rebate will not be applied to temporary residents known as cottagers. Seasonal owners will not get a rebate from Ontario Hydro and will stay be forced to pay the delivery charge. If you don’t ...

Excited Delirium: Hey Lamestream, Focus on the Right Question: Did Jeff Sessions Lie to Congress?

Focus on the issue everyone: did Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump’s appointee for Attorney General, perjure himself?