National Newswatch
Mar 22 2017 — Chelsea Nash

Amid unproven allegations that Maxime Bernier’s leadership campaign fraudulently signed up members, which Mr. Bernier denies, The Hill Times has learned his membership chair was accused of using similar tactics in 2010. Conservative MP Alex Nuttall (Barrie-Springwater-Oro Medonte, Ont.) was one of the first MPs to support Mr. Bernier’s (Beauce, Que.) leadership for the Conservative […]

Mar 21 2017 —

The Trudeau government’s second budget will include a host of measures specifically aimed at improving the lives of women, including a plan to fund new child-care spaces, extend maternity and paternity benefits and address sexual assault. The budget will also increase defence spending, The Globe and Mail has learned, but details won’t be released until […]

Mar 22 2017 —

Getting federal funds to organize community celebrations for Canada’s 150th anniversary is proving to be a hard task. New numbers show that the federal government has rejected a majority of the 3,285 applications it has received from artists, community groups and entrepreneurs looking for money for Canada 150 ideas. To this point, 365 projects have […]


Opposition MPs declare ‘war’ over feds’ efforts to ram through sweeping changes to House rules, ‘we’re filibustering to protect the right to filibuster’

Mar 22 2017 — Rachel Aiello

Opposition MPs spent nearly 15 hours in the basement of Centre Block on Tuesday, holed-up in a committee meeting room filibustering the Liberal government’s attempt to expedite a study on possible sweeping changes to how the House of Commons rules, and the saga is set to continue on Wednesday too. After going through much of […]

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Enbridge cutting 1,000 jobs after completing takeover of Spectra Energy

Mar 22 2017 —

Enbridge Inc. (TSX:ENB) says it is cutting about 1,000 jobs or six per cent of its workforce following the takeover of Houston-based Spectra Energy. Calgary-based Enbridge says it is laying off people to address overlaps in the combined company’s organizational structure after completing its acquisition of Spectra in late last month. Company spokesman Todd Nogier […]


Bill Morneau’s budget caught between Trump and a hard place

Mar 22 2017 — Chris Hall

It’s safe to say that the budget Finance Minister Bill Morneau unveils today won’t be the one he originally intended as a second instalment of the Liberals’ plan to help the middle class — and all those seeking to join it. Part of the reason is that his first budget — with the billions dedicated […]

Mar 21 2017 — Laura Stone

Maxime Bernier’s campaign says it will now forward any complaints about membership violations to the Conservative Party and no longer publicly discuss them, including allegations of vote-buying against fellow leadership candidate Kevin O’Leary. Kory Teneycke, the former vice-president of Sun News and communications director to Stephen Harper who is advising Mr. Bernier on his leadership […]

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Mar 22 2017 —

The Alberta government is looking to this afternoon’s federal budget to support infrastructure projects, clean water for First Nations communities and the struggling oil and gas industry. Liberal Finance Minister Bill Morneau will table the budget in the House of Commons at 4 p.m. Alberta time.

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Featured Ink

Lev Marder

There Is No Silver Bullet For Fake News

Mar 22 2017 — Lev Marder

The adverse effects of fake news and “alternative” facts south of the border have raised alarm here in Canada. There were parliamentary committee hearings and now Facebook is set to introduce to Canada tools that crack down on fake news.  A technological filter is necessary, but it cannot be the only or even primary solution for fake news. […]


It’s a mystery how the Liberals are encouraging innovation and helping the middle class

Mar 22 2017 — Paul Wells

Wednesday’s budget will be about the middle class and innovation. Maybe it’ll even be helpful! That would be nice. Unfortunately, the Trudeau government’s handling of both files so far has left them in something close to a shambles. I wrote here, somewhat quizzical, after Social Development Minister Jean-Yves Duclos gave a presentation to reporters about […]

Susan Delacourt new

Trudeau and Ottawa’s culture of secrecy

Mar 21 2017 — Susan Delacourt

He likes to talk about being ‘open’ and ‘transparent’ — but his backbench isn’t buying it. Budget day is like a big surprise party for politicos and finance geeks. The media is complicit in the surprise plotting beforehand — huddling for hours in the ‘lockup’, poring over the soon-to-be-announced numbers before the finance minister does […]


Can Alberta handle a taxing truth?

Mar 22 2017 — Gary Mason

There is a day of reckoning coming in Alberta if it hasn’t arrived already. The ugly state of the province’s economic condition was once again laid bare in the NDP government’s latest budget. The debt numbers seemed to catch most off-guard; projected accumulated arrears of $71-billion by 2019-20. By pan-national standards it isn’t that extraordinary, […]


Don Meredith would like your sympathy now

Mar 20 2017 — Martin Patriquin

By claiming to be the victim of racial persecution, he’s insulting the actual victims. Senator Don Meredith (Don Meredith would like you to know) is a victim of Canada’s prevailing and overwhelming racism. As a 52-year-old black man, he is seen as a predator, sexual and otherwise, who has risen too high in life for […]


The price of Ann Coulter’s ‘statehood’ is too high

Mar 22 2017 — Don Braid

Calgary has been rejected by Ann Coulter as the 51st U.S. state. Finally, she says something I agree with. We hadn’t exactly asked for statehood, but never mind. Coulter, the far-right American provocateur, disowns us for being tolerant and helpful. It started with Anna Brooks’s recent story in the Herald about the halal food and […]

Mar 22 2017 — Heather Mallick

Nixon and Trump, Trixon and Dump, Tricky Dick and Donnie Boy, you try telling those two apart. Our eyes move from the black-eyed villain seeking payoff for a lifetime of rejection to the bloated man with long yellow hair who needs petting from dawn to dusk. Which one will history judge as worse? After the […]

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Mar 22 2017 — Rick Salutin

Video transcript: Donald Trump has a right to whine when the media call him a liar — not because it’s false but because it’s incomplete. This week the FBI head chimed in. Former national intelligence chief James Clapper already effectively said Trump lied about being wiretapped. But four years ago Clapper was asked if the […]

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Mar 20 2017 — Andrew MacDougall

Nothing concentrates the mind like the prospect of a hanging, and right now Conservative Party leadership candidates are checking their necks for the presence of a noose following allegations of membership vote-rigging. These kinds of allegations, while extremely serious, are sadly nothing new; dodgy party membership sales are as old as leadership races. And it’s […]

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Mar 21 2017 — Martin Regg Cohn

The controversy over Chrystia Freeland’s family background can be confounding. No, our foreign minister isn’t answerable for her Ukrainian-born grandfather, who edited a propaganda outlet for the Nazis in occupied Krakow. Yes, the Russians are playing a dirty game of demonization by spreading incriminating stories about her distant family background. Guilt by association plays well […]

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Mar 20 2017 — Tasha Kheiriddin

What should Canada do about our Safe Third Country Agreement with the United States? Part of the U.S.-Canada Smart Border Action Plan, the agreement states that refugee claimants must request protection in the first ‘safe’ country in which they arrive, unless they qualify for an exception (for family members, unaccompanied minors, certain document holders, and […]

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Mar 21 2017 — Graham Thomson

Don’t send out the wedding invitations just yet. The possible marriage between Alberta’s conservative parties moved a little closer to fruition Monday afternoon when new Progressive Conservative Leader Jason Kenney met with Wildrose Leader Brian Jean in Edmonton. They talked collegially for half an hour, we are told, but there was no, um, consummation. Not […]

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Mar 19 2017 — Rosie DiManno

There is the power of position, prestige, influence, manifest manhood. There is the power of an adolescent girl’s sexual allure. Both Don Meredith, the senator, and Ms. M., the teenager, came to their clearly “inappropriate” liaison with weapons. And they wielded them. Ms. M.: The erotica of explicit online photos, pungent texts and Skype foreplay, […]

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Mar 20 2017 — Dan Leger

Will Canada become the next domino to fall to right-wing populism? It’s been successful just across the border. Why not here? The emerging movement of angry populism, the so-called alt-right, has already turned U.S. politics upside down. Its exponents, such as Donald Trump and his adviser Stephen Bannon, are at the top of their game. […]

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Mar 20 2017 — Colby Cosh

On Saturday, as was generally foreseen, Jason Kenney became leader of the Alberta Progressive Conservatives. This sounds portentous and impressive. But one of the things that strikes you, since Kenney is proposing to (at a bare minimum) re-brand the Alberta PCs, is that their leaders are not exactly an honour roll of mighty statesmen. The […]

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Entertainment Plus


‘Gong Show’ Host, Creator Chuck Barris Dead at 87

Mar 22 2017 —

Game show legend Chuck Barris — creator and host of “The Gong Show” — died Tuesday of natural causes at his home in Palisades, NY … according to his publicist. In addition to starting ‘Gong Show’ in 1976 … Barris had also created “The Dating Game” and “The Newlywed Game” in the ’60s. He claimed […]


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