This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric DraitserScreen Shot 2017-03-13 at 8.46.52 AM
  • GUEST: Chris Hedges
  • TOPICS: Trump, the Democrats, resistance and much more.

Leading Psychiatrists Follow Top-Dog Bankers’ Guide to Career Advancement

It should not be surprising that cynicism is increasingly the U.S. national pastime, as we regularly observe top-dog bankers avoiding criminal prosecution for crimes they preside over, and we see prominent professionals—including psychiatrists—gaining career advancement after disgraceful actions.

First, a quick review of the recent career arc of Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan. In 2013 alone, JPMorgan paid out nearly $17 billion to settle claims with the federal government against JPMorgan’s sale of fraudulent mortgage-backed securities and other illegal practices. After settling with the government, Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan during the time these illegal practices took place, was rewarded by JPMorgan with a 74 percent pay raise, bringing his yearly compensation to $20 million. More

The Time for Single Payer Has Come (So Why is Bernie Sanders Still Hawking ObamaCare?)

It’s not a question of whether. It’s a question of when. With the accelerating collapse of Obamneycare, it’s only a matter of time. Single payer is on the way.

But time matters for millions of Americans who are being squeezed by the Democrats defending Obamneycare and the Republicans cutting further into what’s left of the social safety net. As Senator Bernie Sanders is proving, you have to choose — single payer or Obamneycare. You can’t defend both.

Regla, Shadowless Port

It is a common belief the world over that a specter may not cross running water. Water divides living from dead and pure from impure, although water spirits often haunt inland lakes. The pier is a human gate and harbors are midway places, attractive to vendetta, ghost and mermaid.

Regla is on a peninsula but if you cross by water you have entered a far different place than you would have by car. Everyone pays the ferryman at Regla but the price is functional – less than a US dime. More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

Trump and the Triumph of White Identity Politics

In this issue: Eric Draitser on the racial animus that animated Trump’s legions. 70 Years of Decline for American Labor: Eric Laursen. When Clinton Intervened in Russia’s Elections: Nick Alexandrov. A World Beyond Trump: Matthew Stevenson. Tech Industry Monopolies: Rob Larson. What Blacks Don’t Owe Obama: Yvette Carnell. America’s Homeless Children: Richard Schweid. The War on Fracking: Lee Ballinger. Exxon and Climate Change: Jeffrey St. Clair. PLUS: Mike Whitney on the Central Banks; Chris Floyd on Trump’s America; and Jeffrey St. Clair on John Berger.

Donald Trump and the Deep State

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