Friday, March 10, 2017

Columnist Larry Johnson deciphers the spin from Obama's spokesperson, Kevin Lewis. Johnson discusses the same with John Batchelor in this podcast.

"I watched him call a race, and [fellow announcer] Travis Stone was up in the booth with me," Collmus said via phone. "And Sam was chatting with us right up until it's time do the race. The race starts, and his program is on the desk behind him. Literally, he worked with nothing in front of him, and he was absolutely flawless-descriptive, dead-on, every horse right, no hesitation. It was just him and binoculars. And he wasn't showing off-that was how he did it. I point to the program, and Travis and I are just shaking our heads, thinking, 'Oh my God, this guy's a legend.' He was as good as it gets in harness racing, and he could call a Thoroughbred race, too. He was just one of those guys who was very talented, and not an egotistical bone in his body."

Tonight's tips thread pays tribute to the "voice of the Meadowlands", the legendary harness race caller Sam McKee, who passed away March 7th after suffering a stroke. Thread open.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

The province experienced a bit of wind the other day.


Taken near Frobisher.

As questions about his motivations for making the claim swirl, Khan has refused to elaborate on his initial statement to The Washington Post and other publications. A more detailed request for clarification did not receive an immediate response Tuesday afternoon.

It is unclear whether Khan has previously traveled outside the United States since he was naturalized.

U.S. citizens don't need visas to enter Canada, or even the electronic travel authorizations required of all other foreign visitors there.


Heckuva job, Rachel.

Royal Dutch Shell plc today announces the signing of two agreements by Shell Canada Energy, Shell Canada Limited and Shell Canada Resources ("Shell") -- which are detailed in this announcement -- that will see Shell sell all of its in-situ and undeveloped oil sands interests in Canada and reduce its share in the Athabasca Oil Sands Project (AOSP) from 60 percent to 10 percent.

Touchy happy feely warm fuzzies gubmint gimmidatz will not ensue if we tax robots.

Via Don Surber;

"Since the beginning of February, they were some of the best performing weeks in the history of the brand," Abigail Klem, the president of the Ivanka Trump fashion brand, tells Refinery29 in an interview published Tuesday. "For several different retailers Ivanka Trump was a top performer online, and in some of the categories it was the [brand's] best performance ever."


h/t John Galt

CTV Ottawa;

An Ottawa greenhouse operation has hit a hydro snag in its attempt to mimic Mother Nature. SunTech Greenhouses in Manotick had installed a million dollar L-E-D lighting system to grow produce year round but after doing the math, the owner decided not to flip the switch.

Two years ago, SunTech installed row upon row of L-E-D lights in one and a half acres of its greenhouses. It was an expensive experiment trying to mimic Mother Nature. The problem is the sun is free; hydro not so much.


What's happening here is happening to greenhouse growers throughout Ontario. Soaring power prices was one reason why NatureFresh Farms recently expanded into Ohio.

Peter Quiring is the CEO of NatureFresh Farms, "You know what's really crazy?" he says, "In Ohio, we're buying power for what Ontario is paying other jurisdictions to take that power. So instead of expanding here, we've expanded there using our power, so to speak."

h/t Maz2

The science is settled: Here is definitive proof that reporters are the laziest people on the planet.

Tip for tonight is How To Handle Everyday Situations.

Thread open

Wednesday, March 8, 2017



At the time, Bass claimed her attack was part of the surge in hate crimes following the election of Donald Trump a week earlier. She told police she was targeted for wearing a solidarity pin connected to Great Britain's "Brexit" vote.

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!

VP Candidate Tim Kaine, October 20, 2016: "You've got to accept the results of this election, win or lose. That's the pledge we made. Hillary stood on the stage in the first debate and said, 'Of course I'm going to accept the results of the election."

Twin Cities Pioneer Press, March 7, 2017 - Linwood Michael Kaine, 24, and four others were arrested on suspicion of second-degree riot after the "March 4 Trump" rally in St. Paul

"Winged eyeliner, lined lips, and big hoop earrings" are, apparently, "an everyday act of resistance" by the oppressed brown students at Pitzer College, California.

A restaging of the presidential debates with an actress playing Trump and an actor playing Clinton yielded surprising results.

It's a white man's saloon.

Tips open.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


This really is a battle that needs fighting right now. Transgenderism is one of the very hottest of the many fronts of the wars which Cultural Marxism is waging on Western Civilisation. It matters so much because it goes to the heart of one of the most important and contested issues which divide right and left: is there such a thing as truth?

If you believe - as the Social Justice Warriors, liberal "intellectuals" and other relativistic cretins do - that truth is just a matter of opinion then clearly, you are whatever you say you are, be it a man, a woman, non-binary, polygender, intersex, trans and the rest of that nonsense list of LBGTetc terms.

If, on the other hand, you subscribe to the more traditional, rational view that biological sex (not "gender" - a left-wing invention) is determined by chromosomes and organs like wombs and penises, then it's pretty damned obvious that you're born either one thing or the other, regardless of how much surgical mutilation you undergo or how many hormones you take.

Crusading progressives want to portray this as a war between nice people who have feelings and horrid people who are stuck in the dark ages because of their vile prejudices. But it's not that at all. Ultimately, it's a battle over who gets to define what truth is: the rationalists or the idealistic fantasists.

Vindicating their critics;

Greenpeace is admitting that it relies on "non-verifiable statements of subjective opinion," and because its claims are not meant to be factual, the group believes it cannot be held legally responsible for what it says.

And it's ugly.

A total of 8,761 documents have been published as part of 'Year Zero', the first in a series of leaks the whistleblower organization has dubbed 'Vault 7.' WikiLeaks said that 'Year Zero' revealed details of the CIA's "global covert hacking program," including "weaponized exploits" used against company products including "Apple's iPhone, Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows and even Samsung TVs, which are turned into covert microphones."

WikiLeaks tweeted the leak, which it claims came from a network inside the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence in Langley, Virginia.

Among the key topical revelations is that the CIA can engage in "false flag" cyberattacks which portray Russia as the assailant. Discussing the CIA's Remote Devices Branch's UMBRAGE group, Wikileaks' source notes that it "collects and maintains a substantial library of attack techniques 'stolen' from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation.

I need more coffee. This is going to be a long, long day.

North Korea says missiles were drill for strike on US bases

A degree in Women's and Gender Studies prepares you for almost anything.

Hissed the snake.

By the end of last year, Canadian Heritage had approved and distributed a little over $151 million in Canada 150 grants to Canadian businesses, schools, municipalities, NGOs, charities, etc. The Canadian Heritage department is still in the process of dividing the remaining $49 million of the $200-million Canada 150 Fund, but so far some provinces and territories have fared a lot better than others in the division of the fund. a sword fight, as in politics, the combatants often attack each other's extremities (sword hand, extended foot, arm) first before venturing into body strike range. To get into killing range you must often risk being killed yourself. So sword fighters usually wait for their foes to weaken or an opening to develop.


Here's a tip -- don't mess with an old guy on a subway. Thread open.

Monday, March 6, 2017

"Fast forward twenty years to today and a similar conversation is being held amongst hopeful and naive conservatives.

Why, did you hear!!?? This "Gen Z" is the most conservative generation since the WWII generation! They don't have tattoos and they don't like abortion! They don't even like sex! By gum! We're going to see those glorious Eisenhower-Leave It to Beaver-Nuclear Family days again! And look! Here! Here's a study! A STUDY!!! See that! It says Gen Z is conservative so it must be true!

And so, it seems high time for the Ole Captain to dust off the "Bat of Reality" and start beating people over the head with it."

The origin of the trophy.

Who will live up to that, this year?


March 2017

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Recent Comments

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