Daily Caller Editor Katie Frates Tweets About Her Desire to Murder Indigenous #NoDAPL Protesters

Murderous intent
4 minutes ago
re: #344 Myron Falwell He's envious of his hair?

So today, this happened. Daily Caller editor Katie Frates got so upset by the thought that indigenous Americans were protesting the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, she tweeted: When she realized how bad this made her look, Frates deleted her tweet. But here’s a screenshot: And the tweet …

Texas GOP Pushes New Law That Would Allow Doctors to Lie to Pregnant Women About Fetus’ Health Issues

How in the hell can anyone call this “pro-life?”
22 hours, 20 minutes ago
re: #172 Anymouse I don't know whether the account is real or not, but I do know MO seems to hate BO. Old dude was personally invited to one of the Clinton/Trump debates by Trump and did declare that, "Trump ...
Credit: DonkeyHotey

Some Democrats Are Trying to Convince Themselves Pence Would Be a Better President

But I’m very skeptical
3 hours, 54 minutes ago
Pence is just as much of a lunatic as Trump, just a different kind. A Christian Dominionist. You can kiss abortion, birth control, and gay rights goodbye. A religious freedom law allowing people to discriminate against anybody would be passed. ...

Report: Obama “Irked and Exasperated” by Trump’s Wiretapping Lies

Our new president is a far right con man who built his career on brazen lies
1 day, 22 hours ago
re: #297 Blind Frog Belly White "They are both stupid AND uniformed, and voted out of fear for someone who doesn't give a shit about them or their lives, health, or security, BECAUSE they're stupid and uninformed. Sorry to be ...

New From Keith Olbermann: The Crisis of Trump’s Conspiracy Theories

These fantastical lies are more than delusional, they’re dangerous
2 days, 5 hours ago
re: #506 Backwoods_Sleuth Nah, kids would be much more caring and open to universal healthcare. Actually I would take an all-kid congress right about now. They would be a huge improvement over the current GOP congress.

And Now, an Awesome Live Performance From Esperanza Spalding on Prairie Home Companion: “Good Lava”

390John Carter
5 days, 13 hours ago
re: #57 Blind Frog Belly White Wait wut? I read that when I was a kid and loved it. My reading comprehension was proudly not great at that age. Is that what happened? I mean I remember the fight against ...