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Help! I have no staff for Christmas


Kate Jones

This is what you should do if you've reached the pointy end of the year and don't have enough elves.

It's that time of year again. Christmas craziness is fast approaching and to control the influx of work, business owners will need to call for back-up.

Hiring Christmas casuals can seem like just another task on an already overflowing list of things to do, but spending the time to hire the right people will pay dividends during the hectic month ahead.

Hectic is an understatement for some businesses, such as party suppliers The Party People.

Co-owner Dean Salakas says trade skyrockets between October, November and the first two weeks of December – so much so that it represents half of the company's turnover.

"This means the other 42 weeks of the year represent 50 per cent while these 10 weeks represent the other 50 per cent, give or take a few per cent," he says.

"We have Halloween, then Christmas and in between is Melbourne Cup.

"In between these busy seasons, it's summer and our general party trade is higher than normal, compounding the busy nature of our store at this time."

Many hands make light work, so Salakas hires 10 to 15 casuals for Christmas. He says they fill shelves, move stock and generally help out where needed, allowing more experienced staff to focus on customer interaction.

Online retailers are sure to feel the full brunt of this frantic Christmas shopping this year. Last year, Australian consumers spent $1.4 billion on Christmas goodies, according to research firm IBISWorld.

Appliances Online chief operating officer Peter Harris says many casuals he hires are university students, who are paid to pick and deliver stock.

But Harris says hiring Christmas casuals does not always go smoothly.

"Two years ago we had an issue ​where our goods were not packed as well as they should​ have been​ and ​as a result ​we had a higher rate of damaged items on delivery than usual," he says.

"​In saying that, we learned from this experience and now provide a more comprehensive induction for new casual starters."

To avoid repeating the same disaster, Harris says festive season workers not only undergo comprehensive training, but also work alongside experienced full-time employees.

"This not only ensures better quality control, it also provides an environment where the casual ​employee ​can ask questions as he or she goes, whilst also seeing first-hand ​the ​standard ​we provide customers ​ - whether that's in sales, in the warehouse, or through our delivery," he says.

Paul Bridgewater, general manager of recruitment agency Manpower Australia, says hiring casuals to ensure your business is able to keep up with increased customer traffic is smart practice, but there are some common pitfalls.

"The common theme is avoiding a them and us mentality in your workplace," he says.

Christmas casuals were critical to  business success and the bottom line over the busy period, so they should be looked after.

Here's Bridgewater's top five tips on what not to do when hiring Christmas casuals:

Pay them less than others carrying out the same role

Employees talk and you can't stop this. If you do not ensure pay rate parity then you are potentially opening yourself up to a raft of legal issues. You should also ensure you pay your Christmas casuals on time, no one wants to be short-changed during the silly season.

Breeze through induction

Skimming on training of a Christmas casual because they won't be around long will result in a poor understanding of business processes, company vision and values, and will ultimately lead to a poor customer experience. A good induction process will give casuals the best chance to succeed and is well worth the time investment.

Give them the worst shifts

If possible, share the tough shifts such as the early starts and late finishes amongst the entire workforce. Without the Christmas casuals, operations are affected so treat them fairly.

Forget to voice your expectations

If you require Christmas casuals to be available at short notice or for shifts to change at the last minute, let them know during your interview process so they are prepared and won't leave you in the lurch at the last minute.

Rely too heavily on them

This may result in decreased output. Often Christmas casuals don't have the same level of skill as your permanent workforce, but are hired to help the business cope with seasonal demand. Ensure they receive the best leadership so that they have every opportunity to add value to your business in their short tenure.

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