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Bruce Billson to head Franchise Council of Australia

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Former small business minister Bruce Billson has taken on his first post-parliamentary role, leading the Franchise Council of Australia as executive chairman. 

Billson immediately takes on the role, which he describes as "sort of my night job".   

The FCA aims to support the growth and success of franchising, an industry with $144 billion annual turnover.

"I'm a great believer in the franchising model," Billson says. "I see it as a wonderful way for enterprising men and women to get into their own business but not be on their own."

Billson says franchising works at its best when there is a shared purpose between franchisors and franchisees.

"Good franchising businesses benefit from proven business models with research and insight that an individual business person would not be able to access," he says.


Billson says he believes the FCA board role is an excellent fit for his skills, experiences and goal of continuing to "energise enterprise".

"[Franchising] is really providing a great infrastructure for enterprise success," Billson says.

"It's an extremely large part of our economy. Tens of thousands of livelihoods rely on franchise business opportunities. I think it is a really good way of enterprising men and women bringing their skill to our economy."

Billson says he wants to expand the appeal of franchising and add to the 79,000 independently owned and operated franchised outlets.  

He acknowledges the public perception of franchising has suffered recently with revelations of systemic underpayment of wages by 7-Eleven.

"The FCA is not a regulator but it is a support organisation for best practice," Billson says.

There is a synchronicity of interest between the franchise industry's goals and a leadership position at the ACCI.

Bruce Billson

"In addition to presenting the opportunities as to what franchising offers, we offer education, support and learning to make sure franchising does well. I'm keen to make sure Australia continues to be the home of world-class franchising."

In addition to Billson's board appointment, the FCA soon will appoint a new chief executive.  

Billson still is under consideration for the role of Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive after Kate Carnell's appointment as Small Business Ombudsman.  

"There is a synchronicity of interest between the franchise industry's goals and a leadership position at the ACCI," Billson says.

"The board of ACCI is still to make its decision on its future chief executive. I'm pleased to be a contender for the role and in a perfect world, I will have time for both roles."

Outgoing FCA chairman and PACK & SEND founder and chief executive Michael Paul says the board feels it is the right time to expand the organisation's outreach.  

"The positivity, experience and passion of Mr Billson will enhance the board's interaction with the executive team to enhance the FCA's performance, help raise the public profile and understanding of franchising and improve how the sector's value and benefits are communicated to the broader community," he says.

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Originally published on as 'Bruce Billson to head Franchise Council of Australia'.