
GOOG: 843.25

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Google’s Project Jacquard touch-sensitive fabric was first shown at I/O 2015, and now the first tangible product to include the tech is closer than ever to actually shipping. Levi’s and Google decided to take up residence just around the corner from the Austin Convention Center this week at SXSW, and we got a chance to go hands-on with a near-final version of the new Commuter jacket…

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Google has a tendency to test multiple different designs at once and it now appears to be applying that philosophy to YouTube. As noted by Android Police, YouTube seems to be testing three different new video loading animations in the YouTube app on Android…

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Minor hardware revisions are quite common over the lifetime of a device. For one Google-related example, the Nexus 4 received a slight design change that added nubs to raise the phone on flat surfaces. It now appears that revised Google Pixels are in the wild, likely packing fixes for recent hardware issues…

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March 11

GOOG: 843.25

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There are new smartphones hitting the market constantly, but which is the best to pick up when you’re trying to save a buck or two? We’re expecting some great new releases over the coming months, but for now, let’s go over the best affordable Android smartphones you can go pick up today…

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We haven’t heard much about Google’s Project Jacquard in the last several months, but as we pointed out the other day, that will soon change thanks to some events that Google is hosting at SXSW. To kick things off, Ivan Poupyrev of Google ATAP is holding a talk where Google and Levi’s are revealing tidbits of new information about the connected clothing…

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