Android Wear Stories January 28

GOOG: 823.31

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I don’t think I’m alone when I say that I didn’t expect LG/Google’s upcoming Android Wear 2.0 smartwatches to be all that affordable. Personally, I expected LG to follow Motorola’s example with a starting price of at least $299. However, according to Android Police, the LG Watch Style may, in fact, be priced at just $249, at least to start with.

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Android Wear Stories January 27

GOOG: 823.31

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We’ve been hearing a lot over the past few weeks about LG’s upcoming duo of Android Wear smartwatches, and tonight, the first high-res renders have leaked…

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Android Wear Stories January 25

GOOG: 835.67

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We’ve been sitting on a tidbit about that HTC Halfbeak Android Wear smartwatch (which actually first leaked all the way back in October) for a while, and now it’s apparent that our source was right on the money. A quote that surfaced from an HTC exec this morning (via tbreak) says “we’re not going to have an Android watch,” and apparently, HTC has now confirmed that that’s accurate…

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Android Wear Stories January 24

GOOG: 823.87

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With Android Wear 2.0 nearing its rumored February 9th launch, Google has just released the fifth and final developer preview of the wearable OS. Besides bug fixes and enhancements, iOS support is the biggest feature, with developers also able to submit Wear 2.0 apps to the Play Store.

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A new report today says that Huawei is planning a second generation Huawei Watch for potential launch at Mobile World Congress next month in Barcelona, Spain. The watch is said to bring a “sportier” look compared to the first device, as well as a to-be-expected 42mm size and a 1.4-inch display. One major feature mentioned in the report, however, sounds awfully familiar…

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Android Wear Stories January 23

GOOG: 819.31

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We’ve been hearing for the past few months that Google was working with LG to create two new Android Wear 2.0-powered smartwatches, both of which will likely be launched at MWC 2017 next month. Now, TechnoBuffalo has obtained an image depicting both new watches ─ the LG Watch Sport and LG Watch Style. expand full story


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