
GOOG: 829.32

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It’s hard to think of a job more important that determining whether or not a patient has cancer. Yet the magnitude of the task facing pathologists is so vast that agreement between different clinicians studying the same slides can be as low as 48%.

There can be many slides per patient, each of which is 10+ gigapixels when digitized at 40X magnification. Imagine having to go through a thousand 10 megapixel (MP) photos, and having to be responsible for every pixel. Needless to say, this is a lot of data to cover, and often time is limited.

Which is why Google is working on automating the task with a Deep Learning AI project – with incredibly exciting results …

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Facebook is testing a City Guides feature in its app. When you’re visiting a city, the feature points you to popular attractions, upcoming events and places locals visit – but with the friend focus you’d expect from Facebook. The app highlights places friends have visited, and events friends are attending …

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GOOG: 830.63

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Google’s SVP of hardware, Rick Osterloh, said during a private meeting in Barcelona this week that there will indeed — unsurprisingly, considering its wild acclaim — be a second generation Pixel announced later this year. Further, Osterloh says that that the Pixel brand will “stay premium”…

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Announced during Mobile World Congress, Google is expanding Assistant to more phones running Android Marshmallow or higher. This is a huge move on Google’s part as the virtual assistant was previously only running on the Pixel, Android Wear 2.0 watches, and the Home. The problem with the Google Assistant, though, is that it removes Now on Tap. Do you think that is for the better?

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