Women filmmakers call for end to the AACTAs sausage party

The 2016 Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts (AACTA) Awards played host to an unexpected sausage-based red carpet surprise.

A.B. Original on Aussie rap fans, internet trolls & the politics of Australia Day

Following the release of their debut album ‘Reclaim Australia’, Trials (one half of A.B. Original) joined Backchat to discuss the state of Australian Indigenous politics and music’s role in Aboriginal advocacy.

Know your rights: Renting in NSW

Backchat gets the run-down on renting, tenancy and what to do when confronted with difficult landlords and real-estate agents.

Backchat Report: Was Russia behind the Clinton campaign email leak?

What exactly do the Podesta emails say? And who leaked them? Backchat reporter Oscar Coleman delved into the archive.

Backchat investigates Rheumatic Heart Disease in Australia

It’s described as a disease of poverty, so it might surprise you that Australia has one of the highest rates of Rheumatic Heart Disease in the world.

Does Donald Trump actually want to win the election? Backchat explores the Alt-Right

US pundits are increasingly speculating that Trump doesn’t really care if he wins or loses – he is instead focused on a future alt-right TV empire. But how likely is “Trump TV”?

Backchat: Indigenous leadership and Aboriginal protest

To celebrate NAIDOC week, Backchat was joined by two influential Aboriginal activists – Sol Bellear and Luke Pearson.

Backchat: The mysterious disappearance of Juanita Nielsen

On July 4 1975, journalist Juanita Nielsen went missing. Backchat’s Heidi Pett took a close look at the circumstances surrounding her death.

Backchat’s (Responsible) Election Day Drinking Game

The only drinking game this election that abides by the Community Broadcasting Codes Of Practice.