New Labour Party (South Africa)

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politics and government of
South Africa

The New Labour Party (NLP) was a minor South African political party founded by Peter Marais via floor crossing legislation[1] after he left the New National Party in some disrepute. The name was chosen to evoke the former Labour Party led by the Reverend Allan Hendrickse as an anti-apartheid Coloured party. The NLP sought to position itself as the political voice of Coloured people, particularly in the Western Cape Province, but without success. The party won only 0.09% of the vote in the 2004 nationwide election and 0.67% in the simultaneous election to the Western Cape legislature.[2]

It did not contest the 2009 election, instead supporting the formation of a new party, the Christian Democratic Alliance (CDA), along with a number of other parties. The CDA failed to win a seat.


  1. ^ "Floor Crossing at a Glance (pdf)". Idasa. 2004-06-21. Retrieved 2006-12-12. 
  2. ^ Elections 2004 statistics. IEC