National Information and Referral Service (NIRS) Ph: 1300 135 070

National Information and Referral Service (NIRS) consultants have been trained in the range of statistical data and information that is produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). For straightforward enquiries, we are able to provide limited free data and information to you over the phone. For complex or wide-ranging enquiries about ABS data, we can assist you to find what you need, using resources available through this web site and/or many public libraries. In some instances, data may need to be compiled for you on a fee-for-service basis.

Can't find the data you want?

If you are having trouble finding the data you need, our NIRS consultants will be able to determine if the ABS collects the information you require.

Where we do collect the data, we can advise you how to access the information.

In those cases where we do not collect the data, we may be able to suggest other agencies or departments that you might like to contact.

Data available on request
A range of additional data not provided in our standard publications can be provided on a fee-for-service basis. As an example, you might require data for a small area or need data cross-classified by a range of variables.

For more details about this service please call us on 1300 135 070 or go to Information Consultancy.

Other Links
See Topics @ a Glance for links to various topics on which the ABS collects data.

A comprehensive list of other statistical agencies and related web sites is available. Visit Links for statistical agencies from Australia and overseas.