What's New

Race Forward

Race Forward: The Center for Racial Justice Innovation was formerly known as the Applied Research Center (ARC). The goal of our rebrand was to:

  • Lead with race in the same way that our organization does.
  • Highlight the centrality of addressing "Race" and the importance of paving the way "Forward" to racial justice.
  • Convey the urgency of moving forward using the word "Race."

Race Forward advances racial justice through research, media, and practice. Founded in 1981, Race Forward brings systematic analysis and an innovative approach to complex race issues to help people take effective action toward racial equity.



  • Cutting edge, original research on pressing racial justice issues.
  • Intersectional approach to how race compounds and intersects with other societal issues, which can be described as "race and..."
  • Strong social change practice.


  • Colorlines, a daily news site where race matters with award winning investigative reporting and news analysis.
  • Use of storytelling and multimedia to amplify key issues we cover.
  • Pushing key race stories into the mainstream media.


  • Facing Race, the largest conference for racial justice movement-making, focused on alliance-building, issue framing, and advancing solutions.
  • Speakers, training, consulting services.
  • Action-oriented campaigns, such as Drop the I-Word, which seeks to eliminate the derogatory term "illegal."