- published: 26 Jan 2010
- views: 140774
Build may refer to:
Drama is the specific mode of narrative, typically fictional, represented in performance. The term comes from the Greek word δρᾶμα, drama, meaning action, which is derived from the verb δράω, draō, meaning to do or to act. The enactment of drama in theatre, performed by actors on a stage before an audience, presupposes collaborative modes of production and a collective form of reception. The structure of dramatic texts, unlike other forms of literature, is directly influenced by this collaborative production and collective reception. The early modern tragedy Hamlet (1601) by Shakespeare and the classical Athenian tragedy Oedipus the King (c. 429 BC) by Sophocles are among the masterpieces of the art of drama. A modern example is Long Day's Journey into Night (1956) by Eugene O’Neill.
The two masks associated with drama represent the traditional generic division between comedy and tragedy. They are symbols of the ancient Greek Muses, Thalia and Melpomene, the Muse of comedy represented by the laughing face, and the Muse of tragedy represented by the weeping face, respectively. Considered as a genre of poetry in general, the dramatic mode has been contrasted with the epic and the lyrical modes ever since Aristotle's Poetics (c. 335 BC)—the earliest work of dramatic theory.
Dance Moms is an American reality television series that debuted on Lifetime on July 13, 2011. Created by Collins Avenue Productions, the show follows the early training and careers of children in dance and show business under the tutelage of Abby Lee Miller, as well as the interactions of Miller and the dancers with their sometimes bickering mothers. Set in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Los Angeles, California, the show is primarily filmed at the Abby Lee Dance Company studios. Dance Moms began its sixth season in 2016.
Primarily set in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and, since 2015 in Los Angeles, Dance Moms follows the Abby Lee Dance Company's Junior Elite Competition Team of mostly preteen girls as they travel week-to-week to various dance competitions, winning awards and preparing for Nationals, while at the same time being prepared by Abby Lee Miller to be "professional, employable working dancers." The series depicts the doting mothers as rivals of each other on behalf of their own daughters, often arguing with Miller and each other, and sometimes closing ranks against rival teams. Dance performances are creatively conceptualized by Miller and her dance instructors, with input from the show's producers, while choreography is done by Miller, her staff, and occasionally a guest choreographer. Various rival dance teams spur the team's competitiveness. The show's success is often credited to the drama and conflict among Miller and the moms, along with the weekly dances and the close relationships among the girls as viewers watch them grow up and improve their skills.
Yandere Simulator (working title) is a stealth action video game in development and to be published by YandereDev (working name). Early development builds of the game were made available via its official website. The game's premise centers upon a jealous schoolgirl, Ayano Aishi, nicknamed Yandere-chan after the Japanese term "yandere", who has decided to eliminate anyone she believes is monopolizing her crush's attention.
How to Create Sweep/Drama Build-ups in Traktor TUTORIAL
The Wii WIng 2 build with FPV maiden (and slight drama !)
Building a Monster Toyota Supra - Pre-Tune Drama! - Part 9 [ALBON Garage]
NEW UPDATE! | April 30th Build | Yandere Simulator | New Drama Club + Animations LIVE!
Drama Libre Build Timelapse #525 Gong Hay Fat Choy 28 Jan 2017
BBC Drama (To Walk Invisible) set build progress 3/04/2016
Gavin Luke – The Tribe Has Spoken 4 – Drama , Build
The Effectiveness of using Drama as a Tool to build Social-Emotional Development of...
Drama Drift Build - Nissan 240SX
Cafe build with Dino and break up drama?
Theydon Bois Drama Blithe Spirit set build time lapse
Drama Build Your Kingdom Here
How to Build a Set for your Musical or Drama - ScenoGraphics & Design-Pak USA
Laverne Cox Discusses Her Role In The CBS Drama, "Doubt" | BUILD Series
: : Build Battle With Stacy! Ep. 16 : : "LLAMA DRAMA!"
BGC9 Trailer | Drama Build Up | BGC12 Style
Diablo 3 RoS Crusader Mortal Drama Build 2.0.4 T4 Rift
Build Beautiful dance drama
Building a Business For a New Generation with Drama, Founder of Young & Reckless | Startup Theory
drama re build
Clinton campaign: Brexit drama builds case against Trump
The Elite Chapters 11 and 12
Drama Build Your Kingdom Here
Dance Moms: Goodbye Special: Boss Ladies (S6, E20) | Lifetime
This video will show you how to create a dynamic sweep build-up in Traktor using the built in effects. This technique can be used with any midi controller. The sweep build up is a great mixing tool to have with any controller it will help create build ups and drama when mixing out of a song and dropping in the beat of a new song. Check out the video. I don't have a file to give as Traktor acts goofy when importing TSI's that deal with Effect and Effect Presets. Plus a great advantage to doing it yourself is that you learn a bit more about midi mappings. Follow the video step by step to get the same effect at home with your controller. Great for electro, hip hop, pop, and glitch. Enjoy!
Here's my build and first flights of the Wii WIng 2... not so much a review of sorts, as I already love it from the original. This one was built a little more with FPV in mind so easier to hit the CG and more space for a camera and lipo. If you are after a Wii Wing 2, the best place to send a message to G is via this thread at http://www.fpvhub.com/index.php/topic,51495.0.html The gear I've used in my build is (some affiliate links used) - Motor (5400kv version) - https://www.banggood.com/DYS-BE1104-1104-Brushless-Motor-5400KV-6500KV-7000KV-2-3S-for-100-120-150-Mini-Multirotors-p-1048677.html?p=E81211714085201408XQ Receiver - https://www.banggood.com/2_4G-8CH-D8-Mini-FrSky-Compatibel-Receiver-With-PWM-PPM-SBUS-Output-p-1140478.html?p=E81211714085201408XQ Servos - https://www.banggoo...
In this episode, the Supra does weird stuff and Guff has a mental breakdown. ------------- This Single Turbo Supra build will be focused on fixing the mess that the previous owner left, as well as getting it back up and running in Version 2.0, aka bigger turbo, more grip, and more horsepower! Thanks for watching! ------------- Here's a full video gear list with links to Amazon through our affiliates program, for anyone interested: The Do-It-All Camera: http://amzn.to/2fJii7j The Daily Driver Lens: http://amzn.to/2y0Lt0u Cheap In-Car Suction Mount: http://amzn.to/2xxoWa7 The Budget Tripod: http://amzn.to/2y0M6Ho The Fancy-pants Tripod: http://amzn.to/2yyJAVI The Basic Slider: http://amzn.to/2ylYMF5 The Budget Fluid-Head: http://amzn.to/2xxu2Dr Shoulder Rig for bigger shoots: http://amzn...
Yandere Dev just released the new April 30th 2017 Yandere Simulator build! Students have new “social interaction” animations, new easter eggs GALORE! SUPER SECRET YANDERE CONTENT!?!?!?: https://youtu.be/ov3jdmU-T1g The Literal Best Yandere Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhn2BMescPmMPzMVUEc9TbRm_j9ERrgHZ Our Yandere Sim Streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhn2BMescPmNnJ9q3C3FAr7ZWP7aBJwrU&playnext;=1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Sponsoring and Donating to BTB Gamers *** YOU Want to SPONSOR BTB Gamers?!?! THANK YOU SO MUCH Click here, and press 'SPONSOR': ★ https://goo.gl/cyX6WA Check out our Discord Server! (Link to SPONSOR CHAT through Discord) ★ https://discord.gg/Mxh...
Timelapse of Drama Libre build recorded January 23 - 27th 2017 for our Saturday January 28 event : Gong Hay Fat Choy!
Source: http://www.epidemicsound.com/ License: Proprietary - Sign up using this link to use it in your video: https://www.freedom.tm/via/HCLivess Author's description: Epidemic Sound was founded 2009 in Stockholm, Sweden. We are 20 people at our HQ working closely with a few hundred very talented composers and producers from various nations, and we have clients and collaborators all over the world. Please visit the website of the author to learn about additional ways of supporting them. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freemusicyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/freemusic_now Produced by Free Music 2015-2016
UNITE SPLD CONFERENCE 2017 - STREAM 4: IDENTIFICATION The Effectiveness of using Drama as a Tool to build Social-Emotional Development of Children with Dyslexia in Singapore Muzdalifah Hamzah, Dyslexia Association of Singapore Literacy is not the only struggle that children with dyslexia face every day. For many years, researchers had gathered how children with dyslexia have poor level of social-emotional development due to personal experiences with failures, other's perceptions of their literacy abilities and not receiving proper emotional support from adults around them. This study explores the efficacy of a speech and drama programme in developing social-emotional literacy of children with dyslexia. The participants were students aged 7-11years old, enrolled in the speech and drama ...
My Social Page If you wana message me https://twitter.com/JkdDrama The equipment that I use - - ElgatoHD - https://www.elgato.com/en -Turtle Beach Headset XOFOUR - http://www.turtlebeach.com/product-detail/xbox-one-headsets/ear-force-xo-four/390 -Kontrol Freeks - http://www.kontrolfreek.com/fps.html/?Refid=KF-PE1 -NoScope Gaming Glasses - CLICK THE LINK FOR 10% OF ALL PURCHASES! - https://www.noscopeglasses.com/gaming-glasses?tracking=jkddrama -Sony Vegas - http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/vegassoftware -Audacity - http://www.bestapps-pc.com/?adnm={creative}&kw;=audacity&mt;=e&mn;={placement}&ct;={target}&nt;=T&expr;={aceid}≈={adposition}&dv;=c&&dr;=cHaWck1P2KxP7dl0eSD0%2BT1z2dVl2kDzcj1QDyDphXAmD3vpDZ0m%2BrcWDK4m7dAWx0am7dREhKVuvmAWASDChTMm7dlChV8wAzidAjnRNZnm7K2pDZ1fNzc4ATMyAzndAg%3D...
FaithKids drama
Laverne Cox stops by to dish on her new role in the CBS drama, “Doubt.” On the show, she stars as Cameron Wirth, a fierce and funny, competitive and compassionate transgender Ivy League-educated attorney. What is it like to switch between the jailhouse and the courthouse? Tune in to find out. Interview at 692 Broadway in NYC for BUILD Series. For full schedule and more videos go to http://aol.com/build Follow us: TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/BUILDseriesNYC FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/BUILDseriesNYC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/BUILDseriesNYC SNAPCHAT: BUILDseriesNYC
In today's battles, we build a barn and llamas! Suggest your Build Battle themes below! -=+=- WONDERFUL PEOPLE IN THIS VIDEO: STACY: https://www.youtube.com/user/stacyplays PRESTON: https://www.youtube.com/user/PDawgWoolfGaming JASPANDA: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9uwLJLxoUeiyUcKzgIe6Yg -=+=- SUBSCRIBE FOR MOAR: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=WalschaertsBuilds OUR WEBSITE: http://walschaertsbuildteam.wix.com/walschaerts-builds OUR TWITTER: https://twitter.com/WalschaertBuild NATHAN: http://twitter.com/nathan_oneday -=+=- Any suggestions help! Leave us what you think in the comments below! We're always looking for new builders, new ideas for builds, as well as any and all general help with being awesome! TEXTURE PACK: Default. -=+=- MUSIC: "Fiv...
Just something i cooked up when I was bored and while thinking of some other projects to create. Hope you all like it.
T4 Rift w/ ~40% Cooldown Reduction Sader w/ The Mortal Drama Equipment and Skills at the end. Profile: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/wing-1771/hero/44593305 Build: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/crusader#kldOPQ!WaSf!aaYZab
▁ ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ ▇ LEIA A DESCRIÇÃO ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ▁ PlayList: Intro ➥ Delax - Drop You Like 3rd Prototype - Get In [NCS Release] Different Heaven EH!DE - My Heart [NCS Release] NCS- The Best of 2016 [Album Mix] Unknown Brain - Saviour (feat. Chris Linton) [NCS Release] Faça parte vc também da Network ScaleLab!! Ela está sensacional!! http://www.scalelab.com/apply/slbrasil?referral=159621 Parceiros TOP's DroidRPG ➥ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC28ROGG6nRjZpT-7QE9OpBg ManoFrizer ➥ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3bpdwCx-PV4yCAiPdIsFng Clash no Limite ➥ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtmKFw0Ak4_VKb1nKOFUTFg Vlr Play ➥ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvGg3_LDf3nxZYsa_4OLZyg Batman Suzuya ➥ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7-TcEbTJZCumeyPC8IHYpA WAK3HD ➥ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu...
Start-up theory is back and in full force! This clip was taken from our 24 hr Facebook live IMPACTATHON with a dear friend of Tom and Impact Theory's, Chris "Drama" Pfaff (@drama) from Young & Reckless apparel (Y&R;). Tom and Drama go into many topics; from discussing hardships building a brand with a larger than life mission to burrito manufacturing; Tom and Drama discuss building business' for a new generation right here on Startup Theory. Topics include: * Why staying on brand is so important * How Y&R; strives to become the voice of the youth looking to find their place in the world. * How your ego can be viewed from a different perspective. * Why momentum matters more in business than people realize. * How vulnerability and authenticity are the new kingmakers in consumer branding. *...
The drama builds until it explodes!
FaithKids drama
Watch the ALDC performance of "Boss Ladies" from the "Girls Say Goodbye" special. #DanceMoms Subscribe for more from Dance Moms and other great Lifetime shows: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=lifetime Enjoy more Dance Moms on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvAOsBfvt4jBTvv2aABPpf0H4YiMrzDqR Hang out with the girls outside the studio! Check out exclusive videos from the Dance Moms Slumber Party: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvAOsBfvt4jD1TEk7Zm1xaV6KwTz44-T5 ...and learn how to live like a Dance Moms' girl with the Girls' Guide to Life: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvAOsBfvt4jDe7YHUsLodR_i4EaeNqOgT Watch all your favorite full dances and more in the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky0RzR0_9tc&index;=4&list;=PLvAOsBfvt4jDrdb...
In this episode, the Supra does weird stuff and Guff has a mental breakdown. ------------- This Single Turbo Supra build will be focused on fixing the mess that the previous owner left, as well as getting it back up and running in Version 2.0, aka bigger turbo, more grip, and more horsepower! Thanks for watching! ------------- Here's a full video gear list with links to Amazon through our affiliates program, for anyone interested: The Do-It-All Camera: http://amzn.to/2fJii7j The Daily Driver Lens: http://amzn.to/2y0Lt0u Cheap In-Car Suction Mount: http://amzn.to/2xxoWa7 The Budget Tripod: http://amzn.to/2y0M6Ho The Fancy-pants Tripod: http://amzn.to/2yyJAVI The Basic Slider: http://amzn.to/2ylYMF5 The Budget Fluid-Head: http://amzn.to/2xxu2Dr Shoulder Rig for bigger shoots: http://amzn...
In today's battles, we build a barn and llamas! Suggest your Build Battle themes below! -=+=- WONDERFUL PEOPLE IN THIS VIDEO: STACY: https://www.youtube.com/user/stacyplays PRESTON: https://www.youtube.com/user/PDawgWoolfGaming JASPANDA: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9uwLJLxoUeiyUcKzgIe6Yg -=+=- SUBSCRIBE FOR MOAR: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=WalschaertsBuilds OUR WEBSITE: http://walschaertsbuildteam.wix.com/walschaerts-builds OUR TWITTER: https://twitter.com/WalschaertBuild NATHAN: http://twitter.com/nathan_oneday -=+=- Any suggestions help! Leave us what you think in the comments below! We're always looking for new builders, new ideas for builds, as well as any and all general help with being awesome! TEXTURE PACK: Default. -=+=- MUSIC: "Fiv...
Yandere Dev just released the new April 30th 2017 Yandere Simulator build! Students have new “social interaction” animations, new easter eggs GALORE! SUPER SECRET YANDERE CONTENT!?!?!?: https://youtu.be/ov3jdmU-T1g The Literal Best Yandere Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhn2BMescPmMPzMVUEc9TbRm_j9ERrgHZ Our Yandere Sim Streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhn2BMescPmNnJ9q3C3FAr7ZWP7aBJwrU&playnext;=1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Sponsoring and Donating to BTB Gamers *** YOU Want to SPONSOR BTB Gamers?!?! THANK YOU SO MUCH Click here, and press 'SPONSOR': ★ https://goo.gl/cyX6WA Check out our Discord Server! (Link to SPONSOR CHAT through Discord) ★ https://discord.gg/Mxh...
Laverne Cox stops by to dish on her new role in the CBS drama, “Doubt.” On the show, she stars as Cameron Wirth, a fierce and funny, competitive and compassionate transgender Ivy League-educated attorney. What is it like to switch between the jailhouse and the courthouse? Tune in to find out. Interview at 692 Broadway in NYC for BUILD Series. For full schedule and more videos go to http://aol.com/build Follow us: TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/BUILDseriesNYC FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/BUILDseriesNYC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/BUILDseriesNYC SNAPCHAT: BUILDseriesNYC
Start-up theory is back and in full force! This clip was taken from our 24 hr Facebook live IMPACTATHON with a dear friend of Tom and Impact Theory's, Chris "Drama" Pfaff (@drama) from Young & Reckless apparel (Y&R;). Tom and Drama go into many topics; from discussing hardships building a brand with a larger than life mission to burrito manufacturing; Tom and Drama discuss building business' for a new generation right here on Startup Theory. Topics include: * Why staying on brand is so important * How Y&R; strives to become the voice of the youth looking to find their place in the world. * How your ego can be viewed from a different perspective. * Why momentum matters more in business than people realize. * How vulnerability and authenticity are the new kingmakers in consumer branding. *...
Subscribe for more! ► https://www.youtube.com/c/JulienHimself?sub_confirmation=1 Julien of (http://pimpingmygame.com) gets to BEND the rules of reality and even GAME with the shit he gets away with. Once you GET THIS, game is a FUCKING JOKE. This is how Julien calls girls DEADBEAT WHITE-TRASH WHORES and makes them LOVE IT. Learn how to spice in OBNOXIOUS shit that gets her EMOTIONALLY TURNED ON, and how this builds MASSIVE VALUE and ATTRACTION! Get girls to LOVE YOU with OVER-THE-TOP lines, and find out the reason why they WORK SO WELL. Websites: http://MakingAShift.com http://PimpingMyGame.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JulienBlancOfficial Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JulienHimself Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JulienHimself ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ SUBSCRIBE ...
In this episode of total drama allstars in minecraft we setup for the faction battle next epsidoe by gathering resources. Next episode they will fight and the loser will be eliminated. Let me know what you think of this new series in the comment below! :) The winner of the series gets a psn giftcard The contestants for the rest of the season are: aztec gaming Eracgirl Theblue liongaming jordan chaber guarukopr LSM2013 Omar Ramadan
UNITE SPLD CONFERENCE 2017 - STREAM 4: IDENTIFICATION The Effectiveness of using Drama as a Tool to build Social-Emotional Development of Children with Dyslexia in Singapore Muzdalifah Hamzah, Dyslexia Association of Singapore Literacy is not the only struggle that children with dyslexia face every day. For many years, researchers had gathered how children with dyslexia have poor level of social-emotional development due to personal experiences with failures, other's perceptions of their literacy abilities and not receiving proper emotional support from adults around them. This study explores the efficacy of a speech and drama programme in developing social-emotional literacy of children with dyslexia. The participants were students aged 7-11years old, enrolled in the speech and drama ...
In this episode of The Holo Herald Podcast, we discuss some very interesting things. Talk about all the happenings at MS build, then get into some interesting magic leap drama and the future of AR. Let us know what you think about these very interesting subjects in the comments below. Thanks for watching! AR Dirt Podcast: http://www.ardirt.com/all-episodes/ar-dirt-63-epic-interview-paul-erik-holo-herald.html Topics: 1:40 MS Build Highlights, 15:00 Windows MR Headset, 22:15 Itunes on Windows, 24:50 Medical Apps on Hololens, 25:40 is MR Dead, 35:00 Magic Leap Leaked, 45:00 Magic Leap Legal Shenanigans, 49:40 App Review Sneak Peek, 53:15 Gaming on Hololens Links: -- MS Build - http://www.businessinsider.com/microsoft-build-2017-highlights-2017-5 - https://www.theverge.com/2017/5...
this is more of a behind the scenes vlog of what was going on during and after the building of the cargo seat. We did take an hour break and thats when my family came over to go swimming. John just knows how to push my buttons and you'll see why. On a sidenote, what do you guys think of the incorporation of my wife swimming? I don't want any mixed signals here, I just throw clips of her in the water cause i happen to think she's beautiful in the water. Let me know what you guys think. Should I exclude those clips or continue to leave them in? To see the build of the cargo seat, click this link: https://youtu.be/B3s3QSjgjRc
Join actor Jimmi Simpson ("House of Cards") as he discusses the new one-hour drama series "Westworld," a dark odyssey about the dawn of artificial consciousness and the evolution of sin. Set at the intersection of the near future and the reimagined past, it explores a world in which every human appetite, no matter how noble or depraved, can be indulged. Interview at AOL HQ in NYC for BUILD Series. For full schedule and more videos go to http://aol.com/build Follow us: TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/BUILDseriesNYC FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/BUILDseriesNYC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/BUILDseriesNYC SNAPCHAT: BUILDseriesNYC
“Scorpion” is a high-octane drama about an eccentric genius and his team of brilliant misfits who are the last line of defense against complex, high-tech threats of the modern age. Robert Patrick plays federal agent Cabe Gallo on the CBS series. Patrick also plays a role in the new highly-anticipated Amazon series, “Lore.” Blending dramatic scenes, animation, archive and narration, "Lore" reveals how our horror legends - such as vampires, werewolves and body snatchers - are rooted in truth. Patrick stops by to talk about his involvement in both series.
Episode 187: How to build a drama program When Sylvia Davenport-Veith started teaching drama she did everything by herself. Over the years she was able to build a program that supported three drama teachers. How did she do it? What was her vision for her classroom? What’s her advice? Listen in to learn how one teacher built a drama program. www.theatrefolk.com/episode187
Lads in the video: https://twitter.com/goNecrosys https://twitter.com/Voxagon https://twitter.com/ItzCarrotCake Minecraft Short film/song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ntrb4U_hF8A
comeback penuh drama||double maniac||double lord|| Bruno maniac|| Bruno build Mobile legends : Bang Bang ini adalah video game mobile legends bang bang, saya bermain sebagai bruno si pemain sepak bola. dipermainan kali ini sangat penuh drama diwarnai dengan peristiwa comeback penuh drama dan kejadian lucu yang sangat krusial. game kali ini saya mendapat Bruno maniac dan bruno maniac dibalas alucard maniac bruno maniac mendapat mvp. comeback penuh drama ini sekitar 22 menit. comeback penuh drama karena turet utama kita sempat hanya tin ggal satu sentuhan saja. hingga akhirnya comeback penuh drama terjadi. drama bukan itu saja karena ada double maniac oleh bruno maniac dan alucard maniac. bruno biuld sudah sering saya gunakan. untuk kalian yang penasaran bruno Build tonton sampai selesai ...
Join Jimi and Jazmin as they build and customize their apartment in VR. Challenge them to build something cool in the comments or join us in High Fidelity! Once you've downloaded and installed High Fidelity, go to hifi://jimjamz At High Fidelity, we're building the open-source platform that will power the shared virtual reality spaces of tomorrow. Want to create your own #VR world? Get started here, in our Sandbox beta: http://highfidelity.com
Ab einem gewissen Punkt ist die Cam verzögert. Ich weiß nicht, wie das zustande gekommen ist, da es im Preview noch alles in Ordnung war. Nächstes Mal wird es aber wieder funktionieren. In meiner neuen Serie zu Dragon Quest Builders rede ich über verschiedene Themen während ich random Kram mache und baue. Heute habe ich mir das Thema Youtube Drama rausgesucht. Ein weit verbreitetes Format, was sich derzeitig auf Youtube hoher Beliebtheit erfreut. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XxDarkSonicxX Twitter: https://twitter.com/DaakuSonikku Daaku's Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011699907812
Hey friends! I finally get to show you my rooftop apartment for my Sims Over Flowers LP! Woo! A little background for this build: in this series, Holly will be the stereotypical poor k-drama female lead. And with that usually comes living in a dinky rooftop apartment with horrendous green floor and faded green brick. So this is my version of that. Of course, with me being me... I got kind of carried away with the decorating. So it's a little bit more upscale than it should have been. But hey... in a lot of these dramas, their houses are way cuter than they could probably actually afford anyway. So that can be my excuse. Right? Hehe. Phew, I'm not used to talking for that long. I think that's more talking than I've done ever. I guess I better get used to it... hehe. If you guys have any su...
Alfonso Herrera stars as Father Tomas Ortega in Fox’s drama “The Exorcist.” Based off of William Blatty’s 1971 book, the TV show is a modern adaption of the propulsive, serialized psychological thriller following two very different men, tacking one family’s case of horrifying demonic possession and confronting the face of true evil. Interview at AOL HQ in NYC for AOL BUILD. Interview at AOL HQ in NYC for BUILD Series. For full schedule and more videos go to http://aol.com/build Follow us: TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/BUILDseriesNYC FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/BUILDseriesNYC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/BUILDseriesNYC SNAPCHAT: BUILDseriesNYC
Hätt' nie geglaubt
daß wir so lang
denselben Weg geh'n
und daß die kleine Pflanze
zwischen uns so blüht.
Zwar spielt mein Puls nicht mehr verrückt
nur weil du da bist
doch du bist schuld
daß sich mein Leben wohler fühlt.
dann Jahre
nichts mehr was blendet
und trotzdem so hell.
Aufeinander gesetzt
nur ganz wenig verloren
nach all der Zeit ist
es immer noch so schön.
Weiß nicht
wie lang es noch gut geht
lebenslang lieben ist schwer.
Weiß nicht
was uns noch bevorsteht
doch wir werden ins täglich mehr
wir werden uns täglich mehr.
Sind wir auch weit entfernt
wir treffen uns bald wieder
an dem Punkt
um den
wir unsere Kreise zieh'n.
Und wenn auch manchmal etwas falsch
beim anderen ankommt
ist genug Vertrauen
lange schon geliehen.
Zweifel sind irgendwie nötig
wer fühlt sich wohl ohne Netz am Trapez.
Aufeinander gesetzt
gewonnen bis jetzt.
Ich wünsch' uns
daß es immer wieder glückt.
Weiß nicht
wie lang es noch gut geht
lebenslang lieben ist schwer.
Weiß nicht
was uns noch bevorsteht
doch wir werden ins täglich mehr
wir werden uns täglich mehr.
Wir brauchen uns täglich mehr
Wir lieben uns täglich mehr
Wir fassen uns täglich mehr
Wir trauen uns täglich mehr
Wir werden uns täglich mehr