Rachel Siewert

Australian Greens Senator for WA

Senator Rachel Siewert is a Senator of WA and is a member of the Australian Greens parliamentary team.


Rachel is the Australian Greens Whip, she holds the portfolios of family and community services, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues, disabilities, and ageing, agriculture and marine.  She is chair of the Senate Community Affairs References Committee, which has undertaken a number of significant inquiries into issues such as past adoption practices, former child migrants, hearing health and suicide prevention.


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After harrowing evidence provided to the Senate inquiry into violence, abuse and neglect of people with disability in institutional and residential settings, the Community Affairs References Committee has tabled a report with 30 recommendations for action including a Royal Commission.

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Senator LUDLAM (Western Australia-Co-Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens) (16:39): I ask that general business notice of motion No. 1061, standing in my name and in the name of Senator Rhiannon for today concerning Israel and the visit of the Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, be taken as a formal motion.
The PRESIDENT: Is there any objection to this motion being taken as formal?
Senator Ryan: Yes.
The PRESIDENT: There is an objection.
Senator LUDLAM: I seek leave to make a brief statement.