Protecting our precious places

The Greens were founded on the vision of a robust and healthy environment. We'll always stand to protect our precious places now and for future generations.

The Greens’ commitment to our precious places has never been more important. Around our nation our environment is being impacted by global warming, unsustainable development and mining and pollution - with the full support of the Liberal, National and Labor parties.

90% of the Great Barrier Reef is already experiencing bleaching caused by global warming, and the Tasmanian world heritage area has been permanently decimated by previously unheralded bushfires.

The Liberal, National and Labor parties refuse to admit that coal is a huge part of our global climate change problem. In doing so, they are signing the death warrants for some of our most precious natural places. They’re approving massive new mines, offshore drilling and new coal seam gas wells, and enjoy huge corporate donations from fossil fuel interests.

Our precious natural places are national icons. They’re internationally known, provide jobs and investment in our tourism sector and are the lifeblood of our communities. The Greens will not let them be lost to vested interests, a lack of political courage and an obsession with the industries of the past.

We are taking strong action to address global warming; to transitioning Australia to a new, clean energy economy and protecting our precious places form harmful mining, development and pollution.

The Australian Greens will proudly stand for the environment now and into the future.


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