Thank You WA!

Sunday, March 12, 2017
The Greens (WA) have congratulated the incoming McGowan Government on a well-fought campaign, and look forward to working constructively to address urgent challenges facing Western Australia, no matter what the final makeup of Parliament.

“The Greens ran a strong, people powered campaign - we’ve knocked on tens of thousands of doors and every conversation has highlighted that people are looking for a genuine alternative to business-as-usual politics,” Campaign Manager Andrew Beaton said this morning.
“We held our numbers, and increased them in many places, in an election with a massive swing against an incumbent government. Analysis of preferences show we played a huge role in removing an environmentally destructive Government from office and broke One Nation’s national momentum.”

“We were at the forefront of campaigns to protect the environment and public services, and that is where we intend to stay.”
Labor made a number of big promises going into this campaign but it will be the Greens who hold them to account when the rent-seekers inevitably come knocking on the door. We will make sure they:
  • Cancel the contracts for the destruction at Roe Highway and fund rehabilitation of the site
  • Keep Western Power and other essential services in public hands
  • Formally ban uranium mining
  • Protect public services in health and education from budget cuts
The Greens (WA) team are grateful to the tens of thousands of people who supported our campaign, and we look forward to the announcement of results when the upper house count is complete.