Greens call on LNP to rule out One Nation deal in QLD in light of WA election result

Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Greens say the election result in Western Australia makes it clear the Liberal National Party must immediately rule out any deal with One Nation in Queensland.

Queensland Greens Convenor Andrew Bartlett says the Liberal Party preference deal with One Nation in the WA election cost them votes and credibility, while likely gifting One Nation seats in Parliament.

“Every day the LNP in Queensland refuses to rule out deals with One Nation, they are pumping more air into the One Nation bubble and diverting attention from the essential public debate on solutions to our state’s urgent economic, social and environmental issues,” Mr Bartlett said.

“One Nation’s deal with the Liberals, their consistent support for the Liberal’s agenda in the Senate and their determination to ignore the views of many of their own candidates and supporters shows that they are just another political party putting power ahead of principle.

“If the LNP refuse to rule out repeating the decision of their counterparts in WA, they will be repeating the same mistake of gifting seats to One Nation and credibility to their agenda.”

Mr Bartlett also welcomed the Greens strong performance in the WA election, with the party on track to increase the number of seats they hold in the Upper House.

For further comment, contact Andrew Bartlett on 0418 743 789