Adam Bandt

MP for Melbourne

Adam Bandt is the Federal Member for Melbourne and the Australian Greens treasury spokesperson.

Adam lives in Flemington with his wife Claudia, daughter Wren and their two dogs Max and Albi.

He has portfolio responsibilities for treasury, employment and workplace relations, industry, energy, science and research and the arts.

Before becoming an MP, Adam worked as a public interest lawyer representing some of Melbourne's lowest paid workers, including outworkers in the clothing industry.

Adam has also represented many unions and worked on cases involving freedom of speech and implementation of international covenants into Australian law.

Adam received undergraduate Law/Arts Honours degrees at Murdoch University, where he won the Sir Ronald Wilson Prize for Academic Achievement.  

He completed a PhD at Monash University in 2008, which looked at the recent trend of governments suspending basic human rights in areas such as migration, workplace relations and criminal law.

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We need to transform our economy so that we can take advantage of the opportunities in the renewable energy sector. Tell Bill Shorten that ARENA funding must be protected.

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