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How Much Does an Outdoor Kitchen Cost?

Mar 6, 2017 · Richard Kempthorne

If you haven't yet taken the plunge, you're probably wondering,

Outdoor Kitchens

Avoid toxins with sustainable and eco friendly paints

Mar 6, 2017 · Rob Schneider

Discover sustainable and eco friendly paints for your next paint job and avoid toxins in the home.


Unusual uses for glass in the home

Mar 3, 2017 · Rob Schneider

Here are five unusual uses for glass in the home you may not have thought about.


Sydney suburbs map - Best for millennials, families and investing

Mar 2, 2017 · Rob Schneider

A Sydney suburbs map of the best suburbs for millennials, families, up and coming for investing and renovating.

Property Investment

Using Australian timbers for building

Mar 2, 2017 · Rob Schneider

Here is what you need to know about using Australian timbers and wood for building.


How Much Do Kitchen Benchtops Cost?

Mar 1, 2017 · Craig Gibson

When it comes to kitchen benchtops, choosing the most expensive option isn't always the best option. Check out our cost guide now

Kitchen Benchtops|DIY|Renovation Costs

The top 10 apps for interior design lovers

Mar 1, 2017 · Samantha Thorne

Check out our top 10 apps to help you with interior styling, layouts, colour selection, ideas, planning and more.

Interior Design

5 home decor trends for Autumn 2017

Mar 1, 2017 · Kat Tate

We’ve collected our favourite 5 warm and wonderful autumn interior décor looks trends.

Interior Decorating

How much do Caesarstone benchtops cost?

Feb 28, 2017 · Craig Gibson

Find out how Caesarstone benchtops are priced and the products you have to choose from.

Kitchen Benchtops|How To|Renovation Costs

Algae blooms for carbon positive buildings

Feb 28, 2017 · Rob Schneider

Scientists are studying ways to use algae blooms in the construction industry for carbon positive building.

Eco Friendly|Sustainability

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