Unpayable Debts and an Existential EU Financial Crisis – Are Eurozone Central Banks Still Solvent?

Vast liabilities are being switched quietly from private banks and investment funds onto the shoulders of taxpayers across southern Europe. It is a variant of the tragic episode in Greece, but this time on a far larger scale, and with systemic global implications.… Read More Unpayable Debts and an Existential EU Financial Crisis – Are Eurozone Central Banks Still Solvent?

NYT’s Fake News about Fake News

The mushing together of “fake news” and what the Times describes as “anti-European Union propaganda” is insidious. The first relates to consciously fabricated stories; the second involves criticism of a political institution, the E.U,, which is viewed by many Europeans as elitist, remote and disdainful of the needs, interests and attitudes of average citizens.… Read More NYT’s Fake News about Fake News

Forgotten History: How Goldman Sachs Helped Greece Destroy Itself

As Greece and the eurozone prepare for the worst (again), Goldman Sachs’ role in the country’s downfall has been largely forgotten, as is the much ignored fact that ECB President Mario Draghi was Vice Chairman and Managing Director at Goldman Sachs International between 2002 and 2005, the period immediately after the infamous swap arrangements were executed for the Greek government. .… Read More Forgotten History: How Goldman Sachs Helped Greece Destroy Itself