New species were found in pilot project sites

Biodiversity assessments were done through field research in Forestry Directorates of Köyceğiz, Gazipaşa, Gülnar, Pos, Andırın, which are the pilot sites of Integrated Forest Management Project. The project is being implemented by General Directorate of Forestry with financial support of GEF (Global Environment...

Project on Promoting Energy-Efficient Motors in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises is started

In Turkey 30-35% of total electricity consumption is represented by industry. It is estimated that 70% of energy consumption in industry is by electric motor-driven systems. Large amount of electric motors used in Turkish industry is energy inefficient and there are 15 million working electric motors in the market,...

Company visits and surveys are about to be completed in Total Factor Productivity Project

Financed by the EU, implemented by the UNDP and with the Ministry of Development as the final beneficiary “Support to Development of a Policy Framework for Total Factor Productivity in Turkey Project” is coming to an end regarding the company visits and surveys. Company visits and surveys are about to be...

Integrated Forest Management Project supports education of primary education students

An on-line education system for students is created in the context of Integrated Forest Management Project which is being implemented by General Directorate of Forestry with financial support of GEF (Global Environment Facility) and in cooperation with UNDP. On-line educations system consists of education cards...

A socio-economic survey for forest villagers is started

A socio-economic survey is started to identify the socio-demographic profiles of forest villagers who live within the borders of forestry directorates of the pilot sites of Integrated Forest Management Project, as well as to conduct clustering analyses for these villages and finally contribute to forestry policies...

Organic products of GAP Region promoted in the world’s leading organic fair BIOFACH 2017

  The project on Organic Agriculture Cluster in the Southeast Anatolia Region (GAP Region) participated to BIOFACH Fair, which was organized in Nurnberg, Germany on 14-18 February 2017. The project has been attending to BIOFACH Fair for four years with its stakeholders from the region. Stakeholders like...

The first green public building in Turkey: Cezeri Green Technology Technical and Industrial Vocational High School

A school complex, which belongs to Ministry of National Education is constructed in line with the principles of integrated building design approach as a part of the project on Promoting Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Turkey and will be a model for public sector. Cezeri Green Technology Technical and Industrial...

Entrepreneurial and technologic solutions to the refugee-related problems from Harran University students

Harran University Computer Engineering students participated to the Innocampus Hackaton, a collaborative project providing and innovation and entrepreneurship experience, with the support of the “Strenghtening Social Stability in Southeastern Anatolia Project”, run by the cooperation of UNDP Turkey and GAP Regional Development Administration.Harran University students, have joined to the Hackathon with a promising project called “E-Refugee”, a multilingual and video-rich website developed for facilitating the access to the healthcare and education for refugees.

A remarkable progress made in Total Factor Productivity Project

Company visits continued in January within the context of the project, in which the obstacles leading to productivity problems in the manufacturing industry are spotted and a policy framework is being developed to resolve these problems. 87 out of 100 large-scaled manufacturer companies were reached for...

A new tool for encouraging female high school students to select engineering departments in university

Within the context of Turkey’s Engineer Girls (TEG) Project, a partnership with Middle East Technical University’s Interdisciplinary Design Studio has been started to design a campaign for high school students to encourage them to select engineering departments in university. METU Design Studio brought together...

Successful works in organic agriculture sector in Southeast Anatolia Region

GAP Organic Agriculture Cluster Project is being executed by GAP Regional Development Administration with the technical assistance of UNDP since 2009. Several pilot projects in different locations with various product patterns are being implemented in the region to contribute to the aim of creating scalable and...

Promoting Energy Efficiency in Buildings Project presented at 8th National Energy Efficiency Fair

8th National Energy Efficiency Fair was held in İstanbul on 11-12 January 2017. Fair, which was organized by Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, General Directorate of Renewable Energy, is conducted on the second week of January every year, on the “Energy Efficiency Week”. Concrete results of Promoting...

UNDP Turkey supported POPs Destruction Capacity in İZAYDAŞ

Izmit Waste and Residue Treatment, Incineration and Recycling Co Inc. (İZAYDAŞ) is the first and one of the biggest hazardous waste incineration facility with 35.000 t/y capacity in Turkey. Within POPs Legacy Elimination and POPs Release Reduction Project implemented by UNDP and Ministry of Environement and...

GAP Organic Agriculture Cluster Continues to Develop Network Cooperation

Anatolian Clusters Cooperation Platform (AKİP) is established to increase cooperation and coordination among clusters and cluster ventures. AKİP’s fourth meeting is organized by OSTİM with participation of 40 clusters nationwide. Representatives of ministries, development agencies, universities, chamber of industry,...