Distribution of IT equipment to local communities to provide quality services to citizens in BiH

More than 125 local communities in 23 partner local governments will now be able to provide quality and efficient services to citizens, thanks to a package of IT equipment worth about BAM 300,000.

Co-Financing Agreement on Project on reduction of Drug Dependence In Herzegovina-Neretva Canton Signed

The Project, implemented by the Centre for prevention and outpatient drug dependency treatment Mostar, non-governmental organizations in HNC and UNDP, is the continuation of a successful 10 year-long Program, funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, which ended last year.

LID project: The deadline for public call for support of soybean production extended

Within the of scope of "Local Integrated Development" Project public call was announced for the support for establishment and expansion of soybean production.

New UNDP project in the field of environment and energy efficiency is announced

UNDP Energy and Environment Sector on Monday, 13 February presented a draft project document "Catalyzing Environmental Finance for Low-carbon Urban Development" supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

Via Dinarica: Public Call for submission of project proposal for allocation of funds

Improvement of tourist accommodation infrastructure, offers and services along white and green trails of Via Dinarica in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Eight regional working meetings for a single vision of local communities

Eight regional working meetings were held throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina within the project "Strengthening the Role of Local Communities (MZ) in BiH" from August to December 2016. At the meetings in Sarajevo, Tuzla, Banja Luka, Mostar, Bihać, Brčko, Bijeljina and Trebinje participants worked on defining the vision of the local community through productive discussions, which is the vision that will be used as a model for the future of BiH local governments.

Improvement of local government and public services contributes to a better quality of life of citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The conference on “Strengthening of local governance and service delivery in Bosnia and Herzegovina: reflections on key achievements and the way forward", presented key approaches and good practice in community development and delivery of public services and their contribution to a better quality of life of citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Our Stories: Wickerwork in Posavina – return to tradition and homemade business

To start successful business in your own home, has been a dream of many who wish to become entrepreneur or simply to be self-employed. That dream has become a reality for those who participated in the project “Self-employment through wickerwork” in Posavina.

Project LID – results of public call: Selected projects of public works for employment of 158 socially vulnerable people in 2017.

Within the scope of Project „Local Integrated Development“ (LID), which is primary funded by the EU and implemented by the UNDP BiH, projects for public works (total value of 380,000.00 BAM) were selected in five local governments, which will enable the employment of 158 socially vulnerable persons in 2017.

Civil society, helps better integration of marginalized groups in BiH in cooperation with local communities

A joint project of the Government of Switzerland and the Government of Sweden „Strengthening the Role of Local Communities in BiH“ implemented by UNDP in BiH, will finance 27 projects of civil society organizations (CSOs) selected on the basis of a public invitation for CSOs from 13 partner municipalities and cities, which have been proposed as priorities for local communities in the field of social inclusion at the citizens' forums.

First 50 years of UNDP: Poverty eradication by 2030 - the Organisation's priority goal

At Wilson Promenade in Sarajevo UNDP has held the first in a series of 5 events for citizens, commemorating a half-century since its founding and 20 years of its operations in BiH.

Human Development Report 2016 -Risk-Proofing the Western Balkans: Empowering People to Prevent Disasters

The report focuses on recent flood disasters that struck Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, and Kosovo*.

Kupres Cheese Seizes Local Market

Thanks to the donation of milk cooling tanks through the UN TFHS agro-trade cooperative "BH Milch" boosted production of the unique “Kupres cheese”, while the purchase of milk was guaranteed to the farmers enabling them regular income.