Sunny Hundal

Hello! I'm a writer & commentator, a consultant and a creator of online communities.

I write a bi-monthly column for the Hindustan Times and for the Independent.

I'm also on the board of the charity Aik Saath and Ambassador for Sharan Project.

Recent Journalism and Commentary

As see it, my job as a writer is to consume vast amounts of information (every day), and then explain how the world is changing. I write mostly on identity (race & religion), UK politics (Labour party) and India / Pakistan.

I have a bi-monthy column at the Hindustan Times - India's second-largest English language newspaper with a daily circulation in excess of a million.
I also write regularly for the Independent.

Earlier work: Quartz, The Guardian, Newsweek, New Statesman, Al-Jazeera, The Times, The FT, Metro and LabourList.

Some of my big stories as a journalist:
» Aug 2015 - Sikhs disrupt inter-faith marriages in UK
Coverage: Independent, Telegraph, NSS

» Dec 2014 - Woman confronts anti-abortion protesters outside clinic
Coverage: Buzzfeed, Guardian, Metro, MSNBC, Channel4, TIME, HuffPo.
Also spurred political change.

» Aug 2013 - Tory MP guest of honour for far-right group.
Coverage: Newsnight,, Independent, Channel4, Telegraph, Guardian

» Film for BBC on Britain's hypocritical relationship with Saudi Arabia - 21st Jan 2015
» Film for BBC calling for intervention in Syria - 29th Jan 2014.

Past work: Blogging and Web Communities

2008 - 2013: I ran the UK's most popular left-of-centre political blog: Liberal Conspiracy, which averaged over 100,000 unique readers a month. It was shut down in October 2013 as I wanted to focus on other projects. Voted Guardian blogger of the year in 2006, and Editorial Intelligence blogger of the year in 2011.

» In 2007 I contributed to a pamphlet by the Foreign Policy Centre with an essay titled 'The War on Terror - not just an issue for Muslims'.

» In 2007 I made a radio doc on Asian brides who face domestic abuse.

2006: I spear-headed the launch of the New Generation Network manifesto, which challenged conventional thinking around race and faith politics. We published our manifesto in the Guardian and had an impact on government and media policy.

2005 - 2012: I started blogging in 2005 at Pickled Politics with a group of friends. We eventually shut down Pickled Politics in 2012.

2003 - 2008: I was editor of Asian in Media, an online magazine reporting on the ethnic media industry and minorities in the national media. It became an authoritative source of industry news, breaking prominent stories, hosting networking events and campaigning for more diversity in the media.

2001 - 2006: I ran barfiCulture, which grew to be the most popular British-Asian forum in the UK, with events, messageboards and an online magazine.

India Dishonoured

Published by Guardian Shorts in 2013
When a student was gang-raped in Delhi in December 2012, and died of her injuries later, the incident shocked not just India but the world. Thousands of women and men came out to protest in the streets - their reflecting anger at her murder and a wider problem.

Approximately 60 million women are 'missing' in India. This e-book will open your eyes to a part of India most people inside the country and outside barely recognise.

This e-book by me, written in the aftermath of that incident, tells the story of why violence against women in India is increasing and why it's set to get worse - affecting every facet of Indian society.

4.5 stars on on, and GoodReads

more on India Dishonoured here >>

Social media and lecturing

» I was a Senior Visiting Fellow at Kingston University, London and lecture on digital journalism - teaching web programming, how to use web technologies to leverage journalism and building online communities. I also help with Masters project supervision.

»I'm also interested in how people use social media to consume information. I built Rippla, a site that tracked social media impact of news stories, in 2011. It was an attempt to understand APIs and how news orgs were responding to the rise of social media. My findings were reported on in industry press, and newspapers and used by Ofcom.
I still keep experimenting and studying how people consume news on social media.

» I also offer consulting advice on:
- how a web strategy needs to take social media into account
- what tools are useful and which aren't these days
- how to get useful information out of social networks
- what makes a popular site or online community

Get in touch by email if you are interested in any of this.