Mises Wire

Rent Control Makes for Good Politics and Bad Economics

The EntrepreneurPolitical Theory

Blog13 hours ago
Politicians see that rent control is an easy way to buy some votes from many voters. Sadly, the policy only ends up hurting renters in the long run.

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The Economist's Duty

13 hours agoArticles of Interest
A 4-part condensation of chapters from Human Action dealing with various forms of government interference with the free market.

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Jeff Bezos Got Rich By Giving His Customers What They Want

The EntrepreneurPricesValue and Exchange

Jeff Bezos is now rivaling Bill Gates for the richest man in the world title, but only after decades of making everybody else a little bit richer first.

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1917: How Woodrow Wilson Finally Got His War

On April 6 — a hundred years ago — the United States declared war on Germany.

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Nudges for Thee, But Not for Me

Calculation and KnowledgeEntrepreneurshipInterventionism

To most observers, nudging sounds like clever management techniques. The power to nudge by the state, however, is an entirely different matter.

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A Libertarian Student's Plea

Political Theory

04/07/2017Articles of Interest
Ralph Raico penned this anti-war article when a university student. It remains relevant today.

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War is the Continuation of Trumpism by Other Means

Global EconomyU.S. EconomyWar and Foreign Policy

Trump was never a peace candidate, and his protectionist ideology could only ever have led to war.

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The Myth of the Constitution

Legal System

Claims about the Constitution's "limited" power sound reassuring — except to those who have read the Constitution or the cases decided under it.

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Two Common Objections to Unilateral Free Trade

Global EconomyTaxes and SpendingPolitical Theory

Free trade is not an obstacle to either economic prosperity or military defense.

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