Resources for the Economist

Walter Block

Here are our key resources for academic and professional economists and others interested in advanced topics in the Austrian tradition. These resources include our peer-reviewed scholarly review, the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, along with links to unpublished working papers, job postings of interest to Austrians, our academic blog, events, and other materials useful for research on Austrian economics and related disciplines.

Mises U 2012

The Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle

This lecture by Roger Garrison was presented at the 2012 Mises University in Auburn, Alabama. Includes an introduction...

Mises U 2012

Monopoly, Competition, and Antitrust

This lecture by Tom DiLorenzo was presented at the 2012 Mises University in Auburn, Alabama. Includes an introduction...

Recent Journal Articles

Our Classical Macro Heritage

This paper addresses the key shortcoming in the world of macro modeling, from a history-of-thought perspective.

Error, Equilibrium, and Equilibration in Austrian Price Theory

Theorists of the Austrian School have long maintained that every realized price is market-clearing, in sharp...

The Austrian Paradigm in Environmental Economics

Writes Ed Dolan, the 2014 F.A. Hayek Memorial Lecturer at the Austrian Economics Research Conference:

Today on...
What Should Austrian Economists Do? On Dolan on the Austrian Paradigm in Environmental Economics

Some scholarship in the Austrian tradition today opens itself to the charge that it is textual exegesis — what...

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The Next Generation of Austrian Economics: Essays in Honor of Joseph T. Salerno

The Next Generation of Austrian Economics: Essays in Honor Joseph T. Salerno is a celebratory volume...

The Capitalist and the Entrepreneur: Essays on Organizations and Markets

Klein rehabilitates and expands the classical concept of the entrepreneur as a judgmental decision-maker, linking...

Deep Freeze: Iceland's Economic Collapse

Economists Philipp Bagus and David Howden demonstrate that the real cause of the 2008 Iceland calamity was bad...

Forty Centuries of Wage and Price Controls: How Not to Fight Inflation

This outstanding history illustrates the utter futility of fighting the market process through legislation. It...

The Ethics of Money Production

This is the first full study of a critically important issue today: the ethics of money production.

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