
Home | Profile | Jeff Deist

Jeff Deist


Tags Free MarketsLegal SystemTaxes and SpendingU.S. EconomyMonopoly and Competition

Works Published inThe AustrianSpeeches and PresentationsMises Daily Article

Jeff Deist is president of the Mises Institute. He previously worked as a longtime advisor and chief of staff to Congressman Ron Paul. Contact: email; twitter.

Jeff Deist is president of the Mises Institute, where he serves as a writer, a public speaker, and a dedicated activist for free markets and a more libertarian society. He previously worked as a longtime advisor and chief of staff to Congressman Ron Paul, for whom he wrote hundreds of articles and speeches. In his years with Dr. Paul, he worked with countless grassroots activists and organizations dedicated to reducing the size and scope of government.

All Works

Trump Goes to Washington

Big GovernmentStrategyU.S. EconomyWar and Foreign Policy

Jeff Deist and Tom Woods discuss everything happening with Donald Trump in Washington, DC, especially the Left-Progressive reaction to it.

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John Tamny: Trump's Economics

The FedGlobal EconomyU.S. Economy

John Tamny and Jeff Deist discuss President Trump's economics.

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What Trump Could Do

The FedWar and Foreign PolicyPolitical Theory

Today Donald Trump becomes president of the United States. Voters rejected the devil they know so well — Hillary Clinton — for the devil they don’t.

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Nick Sorrentino: Against Crony Capitalism

Big GovernmentCorporate Welfare

Nick Sorrentino and Jeff Deist discuss the systematic distortion of real capitalism.

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Patrick Barron: Negative Interest Rates Demystified

The FedFinancial MarketsMoney and Banks

Patrick Barron explains how and why negative interest rates arise.

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