
Displaying 1 - 10 of 2557

A Realistic Libertarianism

Political Theory

14 hours agoArticles of Interest
Libertarianism is logically consistent with almost any attitude toward culture, society, religion, or moral principle.

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The Myth of Efficiency

Production Theory

09/04/2016Articles of Interest
The word "efficiency" in modern economics and politics has been abused to the point of having no useful meaning.

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Murray N. Rothbard: In Memoriam


05/10/2016Articles of Interest
Murray N. Rothbard (1926–1995) was just one man with a typewriter, but he inspired a worldwide renewal in the scholarship of liberty...

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The Economics of War

Free MarketsTaxes and SpendingWar and Foreign Policy

08/18/2015Articles of Interest
Rothbard puts forth a "rational war economy" system for governments to fund their war efforts without stripping the public of liberty and retaining the maximum degree of economic freedom...

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Tax Day

Big GovernmentTaxes and Spending

07/27/2015Libertarian Forum 1969–1984
The first great lesson to learn about taxation is that taxation is simply robbery. No more and no less.

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The New Menace of Gandhism

World HistoryInterventionismPolitical Theory

07/24/2015Libertarian Forum 1969–1984
Murray Rothbard discusses the veil of sanctity that has been wrapped around Gandhi by his numerous disciples and exposes his thoughts to the rigors of individual freedom and genuine civil disobedience.

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Transparency or Deception: What the Fed Was Saying in 2007

Big GovernmentThe Fed

03/25/2015Articles of Interest
This paper examines the communications of officials from the Federal Reserve during 2007, the year between the end of the housing bubble and the beginning of the financial crisis.

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Why the Austrians Are Wrong about Depressions

Booms and BustsAustrian Economics Overview

02/19/2015Review of Austrian Economics, Volumes 1-10
For many years, I have been critical of the Austrian theory of depressions and this led Walter Block to ask me to put my criticisms in print. Since in oral discussions, I am frequently accused of misrepresenting the theory, I asked him to give me a canonical version and he gave me the Rothbard...


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Legal Polycentrism, the Circularity Problem, and the Regression Theorem of Institutional Development

02/03/2015Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics
ABSTRACT : The circularity problem states that before legal polycentrists can employ price theoretic arguments about market competition, they must first show that legal polycentrism is able to instantiate the institutional framework within which property rights are protected and contracts are...

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The Depression of 1873–1879: An Austrian Perspective

Booms and BustsAustrian Economics OverviewHistory of the Austrian School of Economics

02/02/2015Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics
Earlier drafts of this paper were presented at the 2012 Mises Institute Summer Fellowship program, the 2012 Society for the Development of Austrian Economics (SDAE) meeting, two 2013 IHS colloquia, and at a 2013 Mercatus Center Graduate Student Paper Workshop (GSPW) roundtable discussion. The...

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