- published: 25 May 2017
- views: 1203
Hans Glas GmbH is a former German automotive company, which was based in Dingolfing. Originally a maker of farm machinery, Glas evolved first into a producer of motor scooters, then automobiles. It was purchased by BMW in 1966, mainly to gain access to Glas's patents, they were the first to use a timing belt with an overhead camshaft in an automotive application, with its limited model range shortly phased out by its new parent.
Mechanic Andreas Glas founded a repair company for agricultural machines at 1895 in Pilsting. He named the company Andreas Glas, Reparaturwerkstätte für landwirtschaftliche Maschinen mit Dampfbetrieb (in English: Andreas Glas, repair-shop for steam-powered agricultural machines). During the summer periods about 16 people worked for him. In 1905 Andreas Glas' company built their first sewing machines. He then had sufficient work to employ all his employees during the winters. The production of sewing machines rose from year to year:
Since 1905 Glas had a branch office in Dingolfing. He started to produce in Dingolfing in 1908 with 150 sewing machines per year. The production count rose each year.
Albert 'Bert' Haanstra (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈɑlbərt bɛrt ˈɦaːnstraː]; 31 May 1916 – 23 October 1997) was a Dutch film director of films and documentaries. His documentary Glass (1958) won the Academy Award for Documentary Short Subject in 1959. His feature film Fanfare (1958) was the most visited Dutch film at the time, and has since only been surpassed by Turkish Delight (1973).
Albert Haanstra was born on 31 May 1916 in Espelo, a small village near Holten, in the Netherlands. His father was Folkert Haanstra, a schoolteacher, and his mother Jansje Schuiveling. Haanstra grew up in the village of Goor. Haanstra's father retired early as a schoolteacher and started his life long dream of becoming a painter. Haanstra himself, after realizing teaching didn't interest him, became a painter himself and started experimenting with photography.
Haanstra became a professional Dutch documentary film maker in 1947. He won international acclaim with his short documentary Spiegel van Holland / Mirror of Holland, for which he received the Grand Prix du court métrage at the Cannes-festival of 1951. During the fifties he made six films for Shell, among others The Rival World (1955) on insects spreading deadly diseases and how to fight them. In 1958 his documentary Glass, a filming improvisation made in a glass factory, won an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short Subject.
Z Maryją w bitwie przeciw szatanowi - ks. Piotr Glas
Armia Maryi na czasy ostateczne - ks. Piotr Glas
Ničim izazvan - Glas (HD)
Comparecencia del Vicepresidente Jorge Glas ante la Comisión de Fiscalización
Maryja pierwszą charyzmatyczką Kościoła - ks. Piotr Glas
Bert Haanstra - Glas (1958)
ks. Piotr Glas
W matni cyberświata - cz. 1 - ks. Piotr Glas
Wstrząsające orędzie Jezusa Chrystusa do kapłanów - ks. Piotr Glas
How to make a glass fish replica
GLAS Animation Festival 2016 Signal Film
Signal Film_GLAS animation festival 2016
GLAS Animation Festival 2016 Trailer
Actors: Zoran Krusvar (producer), Zoran Krusvar (director), Tamara Crnko (actress), Aleksandra Milanovic (actress), Aleksandra Milanovic (writer),
Genres: Short,Actors: Bogdan Jakus (actor), Jelisaveta Gobecki (costume designer), Arsenije Jovanovic (director), Ivanka Pravica (editor), Branko Djuric (actor), Marija Crnobori (actress), Marijan Matkovic (writer), Ivana Stefanovic (composer),
Genres: Drama, Short,Actors: Bogdan Jakus (actor), Jelisaveta Gobecki (costume designer), Arsenije Jovanovic (director), Ivanka Pravica (editor), Branko Djuric (actor), Marija Crnobori (actress), Marijan Matkovic (writer), Ivana Stefanovic (composer),
Genres: Drama, Short,Actors: Radko Polic (actor), Milena Zupancic (actress), Polde Bibic (actor), Rajko Ranfl (director), Rajko Ranfl (writer), Urban Koder (composer), Andrej Hieng (writer), Franc Ursic (actor), Pika Lukezic (editor),
Genres: Horror, Mystery, Romance,Maryja dziś nie milczy, ale krzyczy - przypomina ks. Piotr Glas. Dziś trwa walka z przeciw Maryi i tym, którzy Jej się oddali w wielu środowiskach tzw. chrześcijańskich, ale, jak przypomina Matka Boża w wielu orędziach, w decydującej bitwie z szatanem i jego armią zwycięstwo przyjdzie przez Nią, Jej Niepokalane Serce, i razem z Nią.
Autentyczna i zdrowa relacja chrześcijanina z Maryją jako Matką, a zarazem poteżną Królową czyni go wielkim wojownikiem w tej wielkiej bitwie, której częścią jesteśmy w obecnych czasach, bitwie w której Ona nas potrzebuje do walki o zbawienie dusz. Ks. Piotr Glas wyjaśnia na podstawie dzieła św Ludwika Marii Grinion de Monfort w jaki sposób Maryja gromadzi swoich wybranych i przygotowuje ich do tej walki z siłami ciemności. Przypomina także, na podstawie tego dzieła, jak odróżnić prawdziwych i autentycznych czcicieli Boga od obłudy i fałszu, jaki dziś dotyka wielu z nas. Ks. Piotr przywołuje słowa Matki, która już nie milczy, jak w pierwotnym Kościele, ale krzyczy do swoich dzieci: "Powróćcie do mojego Syna, zmieńcie swoje życie. Czas się wypełnia, Moje Niepokalane Serce jest otwarte dla ...
© & ℗ Lampshade Media 2014 -- www.lampshademedia.rs Ničim izazvan albums : https://nicimizazvan.lnk.to/nicimizazvan Ničim izazvan - Glas Ničim izazvan Facebook stranica : www.facebook.com/nicimizazvan Twitter : https://twitter.com/nizazvan Vokal i tekst : Boris Bakalov Prateći vokal : Dragana Ilić Gitara : Nenad Karišić Bubanj: Kristian Hengl Klavijatura : Borislav Kuga Bas : Mane Gluvajić Truba : Igor Martinko Akustična gitara : Nemanja Vujović Produkcija : Đani Pervan - "Home sweet home studio", Sarajevo Master : Tat Puruša - Supersoul studio , Slovenia Snimano u Vrbasu u studiju "Šamarčina'' snimatelji Robert Telčer i Alen Momirović i u studiju ''Dobro polje'' u Beogradu, snimatelji Dragan Petronić i Ivan Begani Video : BIM VIDEO produkcija Kamera i režija : Branko Topalović...
Źródłem wszelkich charyzmatów w Kościele jest Duch Święty, a przez ręce Maryi, która jest najukochańszą Oblubienicą Ducha Świętego przechodzą wszystkie charyzmaty. Tam, gdzie posługuje się charyzmatami, Maryja nie może być wielką Nieobecną. Jeśli nie prosimy przez Jej ręce o Dary Ducha Świętego, to trzeba zadać sobie pytanie, w przestrzeni jakiego ducha posługujemy? - przypomina ks. Piotr Glas w homilii wygłoszonej dla uczestników Forum Charyzmatycznego w Szczecinie, 19 maja 2017 r.
"Glass (Dutch: Glas) is a 1958 Dutch short documentary film by director and producer Bert Haanstra. The film won the Academy Award for Documentary Short Subject in 1959. The entire film is about the glass bottle industry" - Wikipedia
Forum Charyzmatyczne “Maryja Gwiazda Ewangelizacji” KONERENCJA NIEDZIELNA POSŁUGUJĄCY ks. Piotr Glas, ks. Michał Olszewski, ks. Dominik Chmielewski, ks. Piotr Skiba, dr Wincenty Łaszewski
Internet, telefonia komórkowa i cyfrowa rozrywka zrewolucjonizowały sposób funkcjonowania ludzi XXI wieku. Ks. Piotr Glas przypomina, iż oprócz niezaprzeczalnych zalet związanych z postępem technologicznym, nie można bagatelizować faktu, iż ludzkość coraz bardziej uzależnia się od techniki i niepostrzeżenie traci wolność i sens istnienia. Druga część wykładu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_23mT6oxGDw Rejestracja: ks. Sławomir Kostrzewa
Ks. Piotr Glas cytuje fragmenty "Orędzi Jezusa Chrystusa do swego kapłana", jednego z najwybitniejszych dzieł ascetyczno - mistycznych o. Josepha Schrijversa (1876-1945), belgijskiego redemptorysty. Dzieło jest wstrząsającym wezwaniem Jezusa Chrystusa do swoich kapłanów, osób duchownych - o świętość życia, o nawrócenie, o zrozumienie, jak wielka walka toczy się o każdą kapłańską duszę z siłami ciemności. Ks. Piotr przypomina prawdę zawartą w tym dziele: "Jeden nawrócony, gorliwy kapłan może pomóc w zbawieniu tysiącom dusz; jeden upadły kapłan, pociągnie za sobą wiele powierzonych sobie dusz". Realizacja: ks. Sławomir Kostrzewa
Glass blowing was invented around 50 BC and revolutionised the production of glass vessels. Watch Bill Gudenrath, a glass specialist at the Corning Museum of Glass in New York, make a copy of one of the fish-shaped vessels found at Begram, Afghanistan. This is the first time anyone has tried to replicate it. See the original glass fish on display in the exhibition Afghanistan: Crossroads of the Ancient World until 17 July 2011.
An exuberant Oscar®-winning film on on glass-blowing, automation and all that jazz. Directed by Bert Haanstra. More on this documentary: https://aeon.co/videos/an-exuberant-oscar-winning-film-on-glass-blowing-automation-and-all-that-jazz Watch more on Aeon: aeon.co/video Subscribe: vimeo.com/aeonvideo
We are proud to present the 2016 GLAS Animation Festival signal film made by the talented Kangmin Kim featuring music by duo Pal & Drome. Kangmin combines elements of CG, 2D, and stop-motion to create a stunning and slick video that fully embodies the GLAS identity. The GLAS Animation Festival takes place March 3-6, 2016 in Berkeley, California. We are expanding the scope of animation by bringing new voices, new talents, new themes, and a new generation of independent filmmakers and curators to the United States. Visit our website for more information about the GLAS! Special programs : http://www.glasanimation.com/special-programs/ Passes : http://www.glasanimation.com/passes/ GLAS Animation Festival March 3-6, 2016 Berkeley, CA www.glasanimation.com
Client_GLAS Animation Design, Animation_Kangmin Kim combines of 2D, 3D, and Stop-motion technique to create this animation. www.studiozazac.com http://www.glasanimation.com
For the relaunch of Pro7 on air design we had the pleasure to work on some animated backgrounds. We created five completely different moving wallpapers employing different techniques trying to bring as much variation as possible both from a technology point of view as well as visually while maintaining a consistend dark and mysterious look. Title: ProSieben Wallpaper Client: ProSiebenSat.1 TV Deutschland GmbH Client Producer: Anne-Jacqueline Wenisch Client Art Director: Markus Goles Creative Director: Manuel Casasola Merkle Producer: Julian Fischer 3d Artists: Christian Scheck, Marco Seeberger, Fuat Yüksel Sound: Michael Fakesch
https://www.facebook.com/zdziebko This is an example, how to use the basic stuff in your room in such creative and musician way. Just take some noisy and voiced objects and record them with any sampler. At the end use all this stuff to create any music u desire. Or... You even don't need any sampler. Just use your friends, give them gadgets and transform your party into gizmo-jam-session. I can guarantee much fun. Enjoy! Tools: Canon EOS 5D mkII DitoGear™ CrankSlider Microphone Shure SM 48 2 Wine Glases Panties Bottle Opener Drier Tape Tube Pack From Whiskey Spring Old USRR Camera Spanner Water Shots, Edit & Music - Mateusz Zdziebko
At CIne-Real this month we screened a lovely 16mm technicolor print of the 1958 Dutch short documentary film by director and producer Bert Haanstra. The film won the Academy Award for Documentary Short Subject in 1959. The film is about the glass industry in the Netherlands. It contrasts the handmade crystal from the Royal Leerdam Glass Factory with automated bottle making machines. The accompanying music ranges from jazz to techno. Short segments of artisans making various glass goods by hand are joined with those of mass production. It is often acclaimed to be the perfect short documentary.
Art Project, new scoring for Oscar award winning short movie by Beert Haannstra. Music by Michael Fakesch. 2007
Glas™ began by developing the world’s best mechanical devices. Using that same drive for excellence, we have crafted an e-liquid worthy of wearing the Glas™ name. We started with the ethos of perfect simplicity…from the design of a custom molded bottle to the development of flavors with extraordinary boldness and nuance. Glas™ E-Liquid possesses great elegance, with wonderful persistence on the finish, crafted through careful complexity and uncompromising perfection. Committed to quality with a focus on excellence, the Glas™ experience extends beyond the individual product, with a concierge experience focused on making every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better each and every day… that is what Glas™ is all about. shop.glasvapor.com glasvapor.com Video by Alex N...
Klirrende Gedankenscherben
Risse, Kreischen, jähes Bersten
Wände, die wie Klingen wüten
Mauern, die in Splittern sterben
Flüsse, die wie Eis zerspringen
Alle Mauern mir sich reißen
Tosend deine Welt zernarben
Alles in die Knie zwingen
Dein Kristallgeist spürt ein Ende
Fenster platzen, regnen nieder
Jeder Halt, nach dem du tastest
Schneidet tief in wunde Hände