- published: 10 Feb 2017
- views: 650
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Street food is ready-to-eat food or drink sold by a hawker, or vendor, in a street or other public place, such as at a market or fair. It is often sold from a portable food booth,food cart, or food truck and meant for immediate consumption. Some street foods are regional, but many have spread beyond their region of origin. Most street foods are classed as both finger food and fast food, and are cheaper on average than restaurant meals. According to a 2007 study from the Food and Agriculture Organization, 2.5 billion people eat street food every day.
Today, people may purchase street food for a number of reasons, such as to get flavorful food for a reasonable price in a sociable setting, to experience ethnic cuisines, or for nostalgia.
Small fried fish were a street food in ancient Greece, however, Theophrastus held the custom of street food in low regard. Evidence of a large number of street food vendors were discovered during the excavation of Pompeii. Street food was widely consumed by poor urban residents of ancient Rome whose tenement homes did not have ovens or hearths. Here, chickpea soup with bread and grain paste were common meals. In ancient China, street food generally catered to the poor, however, wealthy residents would send servants to buy street food and bring it back for them to eat in their homes.
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CRIF, Pandémie, Pablo Escobar - PAS l’Info #724
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PAS l’Info décrypte l'actualité ! Saison 7 Émission N°23 (19/02/17) (VIDEO)
INFO-KAI - YO-KAI WATCH 2 : Fantômes bouffis ou Esprits farceurs ?
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Actors: Simon Winkler (actor), Simon Winkler (actor), Tony Banham (actor), Laurence Patrick (actor), Lee Bane (actor), Theresa Roche (actress), James Morgan (actor), Richard Highgate (actor), Angus Brown (actor), Marcus Shakesheff (writer), Marcus Shakesheff (director), Marcus Shakesheff (actor), Marcus Shakesheff (producer), Steve Purbrick (actor), Steve Purbrick (actor),
Plot: Evan Reed is an ex M.I.6 agent who has become a mercenary for hire. Evan is hired by Cabinet Minister David Markham to steal files containing incriminating evidence linking the MP with weapons contractors. After the mission Markham loses his nerve and orders the kidnap of Evan's pregnant girlfriend Jess. Evan is forced to fight his way through agents, thugs and a small mercenary army to rescue Jess. With the odds stacked against him and Markham's top assassin Gabe hot on his trail, can Evan defeat him and rescue his girlfriend in time?
Genres: Action,Actors: Mitchell Olson (director), Mitchell Olson (writer), Mitchell Olson (actor), Mitchell Olson (editor), Mark Kopischke (writer), Mark Kopischke (actor), Mark Kopischke (director), Jordan Gilomen (actor), Robert Reintjes (actor),
Plot: Extreme Heat is an expert rollerblader who just rolled into a new town. Before long, he's offended the local superstar Viper Magnolia who challenges him to a race on the deadliest hill in town. Now he's about to show everyone why they call him Extreme Heat!
Genres: Action, Comedy, Short, Sport,Actors: Samuli Torssonen (actor), Samuli Torssonen (actor), Samuli Torssonen (director), Samuli Torssonen (writer), Samuli Torssonen (writer), Samuli Torssonen (producer), Rudi Airisto (miscellaneous crew), Rudi Airisto (actor), Rudi Airisto (writer), Rudi Airisto (actor), Tapani Siirtola (composer), Petri Lehtinen (actor), Kim Karlsson (actor), Kim Karlsson (actor), Kim Karlsson (actor),
Genres: Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi,Actors: Samuli Torssonen (actor), Samuli Torssonen (actor), Samuli Torssonen (director), Samuli Torssonen (writer), Samuli Torssonen (writer), Samuli Torssonen (producer), Rudi Airisto (miscellaneous crew), Rudi Airisto (actor), Rudi Airisto (writer), Rudi Airisto (actor), Tapani Siirtola (composer), Petri Lehtinen (actor), Kim Karlsson (actor), Kim Karlsson (actor), Kim Karlsson (actor),
Genres: Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi,Regardez France 24 en DIRECT gratuitement : toute l'info internationale 24h/24. Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : http://f24.my/YouTube Commentez l'actualité du jour sur FRANCE24. Nous attendons vos commentaires, vos réactions ! Pour autant, ce fil de discussion doit rester un lieu d'échange et de respect mutuel. FRANCE24 n'est en aucun cas responsable des commentaires et avis laissés sur cette page. France 24 LIVE in English : http://f24.my/YTliveEN فرانس 24 البث المباشر http://f24.my/YTliveAR Rejoignez nous sur Facebook https://www.facebook.com/FRANCE24.videos Suivez nous sur Twitter https://twitter.com/F24videos FRANCE 24 L'ACTUALITÉ INTERNATIONALE 24H/24 http://www.france24.com
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PAS l’Info décrypte l'actualité ! Saison 7 Émission N°24 (26/02/17) (VIDEO) National : Dîner du CRIF ou l'allégeance au sionisme ! ; C'est fait le méga-fichier est effectif ! International : Bill Gates annonce une pandémie ! ; Les Pays du Golfe normalisent leurs relations avec Israël ! Brèves : L’assassin israélien élevé au rang de héros national ! ; Un décret ouvre les forêts françaises protégées à l’exploitation minière ! ; C'est aux médias de «contrôler ce que les gens pensent» ; Le fils de Pablo Escobar : « Mon père travaillait pour la CIA » Facebook/PASLINFO Freebox, rubrique "vidéo perso" paslinfo.blogspot.fr
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Your eyes reflect the fire that burns this city.
The tall buildings reach for the air above the smoke.
The sky will never clear.
A trumpet sounds the revolution.
The streets are crowded with the expressionless armies.