The Rojava Report

News from the Revolution in Rojava and Wider Kurdistan

Tag Archives: Russia

What Is The Kurdish Calculation In Rojava?

The following is a translation of an article written by Fehim Taştekin for Radikal. In the article Taştekin interviews Eldar Halill, a member of the executive committee of TEV-DEM, and … Continue reading

March 13, 2016 · 2 Comments

TEV-DEM: ‘There Can Be No Democratic Syria Without Rojava’

The following interview was conducted with Ilham Ehmed, a member of the Executive Committee of the Movement For A Democratic Society (TEV-DEM), by Günay Aksoy Zana Kaya for Özgür Gündem. … Continue reading

October 27, 2015 · 2 Comments

A New Lausanne: Energy Politics And Sinjar

The following article ‘Enerji ve Şengal‘ was written by M. Ali Çelebi and appeared in Özgür Gündem. It has been translated into English below. The Russian ruble has undergone a … Continue reading

December 27, 2014 · Leave a comment

PYD Committee on Visit to Russia, Sahil Muslim to Give Address in the Duma

(ANF) A PYD committee is on an official state visit to Moscow. The committee is  composed of Salih Muslim, the co-president of the PYD; Ebdulselam Ehmet the PYD European Representative; … Continue reading

December 17, 2013 · Leave a comment

BDP MP Kürkçü: Gezi was an Uprising Proper for the 21st Century

The BDP MP from Mersin, Ertuğrul Kürkçü, took part in a panel over the weekend as of part of the ongoing “Conversations on Rebellion” program at the Kumbara Art Workshop in … Continue reading

October 13, 2013 · Leave a comment

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