The Rojava Report

News from the Revolution in Rojava and Wider Kurdistan

Tag Archives: ISIS

Manbij Military Council: We Are About To Enter Manbij

  (ANHA/Özgür Gündem) The ‘Martyr Commander Faysal Ebu Leyla’ operation to liberate Manbij from ISIS control has entered its second phase, the Manbij Military Council (MMC) has announced in a … Continue reading

June 13, 2016 · Leave a comment

QSD: Claims by Certain Turkish and Arab Media Outlets Racist and Untrue

(DIHA/ANF) — As the Syrian Democratic Forces’ (QSD) operation to liberate the North of Raqqa from DAISH enter its 6th day, Commander Ebu Feyad decried as false claims appearing in … Continue reading

May 29, 2016 · Leave a comment

TEV-DEM: ‘There Can Be No Democratic Syria Without Rojava’

The following interview was conducted with Ilham Ehmed, a member of the Executive Committee of the Movement For A Democratic Society (TEV-DEM), by Günay Aksoy Zana Kaya for Özgür Gündem. … Continue reading

October 27, 2015 · 1 Comment

On The Possibility Of A ‘Rojava Agreement’

The following article “Rojava Anlaşması” was written by M. Ali Çelebi for Özgür Gündem. It has been translated into English below. Following the meeting in Hewlêr (Erbil) on September 15th … Continue reading

September 28, 2015 · 4 Comments

ISIS Advances Into Mare’ As YPG Prepares To Take Jarabulus

ISIS is advancing into the town of Mare’ as its fight with al-Nusra and its allies to control Northeastern Syria is intensifying, reports an article from DİHA carried in Özgür … Continue reading

August 29, 2015 · 1 Comment

Forest Planted In Kobanê In Memory Of Suruç Bombing Victims

Over 250 trees were planted in Kobanê in memory of the 32 people killed in the ISIS bombing of Suruç earlier this week, according to an article from DİHA carried … Continue reading

July 23, 2015 · Leave a comment

Suruç Bomber Was Known To Turkish Security Services

Şeyh Abdurrahman Alagöz, the 20 year-old suspected in the ISIS suicide bombing which killed 32 socialist activists in Pirsûs (Suruç) on Monday, was well known to Turkish security services and … Continue reading

July 23, 2015 · Leave a comment

ISIS Fighters Flee To Turkey Following Defeat In Til Abyad

ISIS fighters fleeing Girê Spî (Til Ebyad) in the wake of the capture of the city by YPG forces have begun to flee into Turkey, according to report from DIHA … Continue reading

June 16, 2015 · Leave a comment

ISIS Pushed Back In Rojava Despite Gains In Iraq And Syria

The following article “Kizwan, Kewkeb” was written by M. Ali Çelebi for Özgür Gündem. It has been translated into English below. The United States, the KRG and others members of … Continue reading

May 28, 2015 · Leave a comment

The Scenario In Syria: Will Turkey Go In?

The following article “Suriye Senaryosu” was written by M. Ali Çelebi for Özgür Gündem. It has been translated into English below. CHP General Secretary Gürsel Tekin shook up the political … Continue reading

May 16, 2015 · Leave a comment

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