The Rojava Report

News from the Revolution in Rojava and Wider Kurdistan


Donations for Rojava, Sinjar, and Wider Kurdistan:

Organizations, Associations And Parties Within Rojava And Wider Kurdistan:

News Outlets Covering Rojava In English:

2 comments on “Links

  1. Werner Marshwader
    June 22, 2015

    Why don’t you set up a page where people can donate money to your course? Or is there one already?

  2. John Coelho
    November 30, 2015

    There should be a movement in the West to support the Kurdish cause. Do you have any contacts? I have a list serve that deals with the need for a new left that is anti totalitarian rejects knee-jerk anti Westernism and respects freedom of expression. If you give me an email I will put you on it.

    John Coelho
    Euston USA

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